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In this mod this polishes the game up and includes mixed factions with each difficulty as well as more payout. Also the weapons & abilities and fitness (for some characters) have been polished.
Mod Info Fork this modThis mod consists of Multiplayer Reborn but just adds Diamond Difficulty and more payout for it.
Mod Info Fork this modThis mod contains experimental mixins that aren't always available to be used in ModMaker. If you want to try out crazy, possibly game breaking stuff, you can try this mod!
Mod Info Fork this modLots of husks/abominations and more. Balanced for Gold. All powers balanced for more impacts. Payout increased for extra work. Vigorously tested for fun. Requires a moderate to high-end system.
▶ Video Mod Info Fork this modthe best finetuned me3 MP-mod in 2018-2020: 3.3 times more enemies much weaker grunts, respectable bosses 0.8 slomo + double ammo movement encouraged
Mod Info Fork this modV1.4.6/ Platinum/C/G/R/C/I've changed a lot of options for harder platinum game. I've boosted properly some consumables, You can win 225 000 max credits now.
▶ Video Mod Info Fork this modThis mod includes the Multiplayer Reborn Mod but this mod changes the actual wavelist and rebalances enemies 1-3 unit is on the field 16 units on the field
Mod Info Fork this modEnd Game will test you as a lone wolf and squadron leader, taking you to the limit. At the end ,a big reward will come Cerberus,Geth,Reaper and Collectors. B/S/G/P. Enjoy. have fun By Subject-IV V 6.6
▶ Video Mod Info Fork this modThis mod aims to increase the action in the MP scene by adding more enemies and better powers! B/S/G/P! Meant for stronger PC's
Mod Info Fork this modThis mod unlocks all the extra content that BioWare never released but left in the game. This is a subset of the main full experience mod that removes the extra maps and prothean objective.
Mod Info Fork this modMore credits + consumable shield OP + (Adrenaline module 2.5 x speed)No Sync-Kill in Silver-Platinium. Cerberus-platinium for Explosion.Platinium extremely low life .n7 destroyer op.
Mod Info Fork this modVanilla-esque. Fixes what are viewed as annoyances, ugly gameplay changes and makes various abilities fun to use. Geared towards gold/platinum difficulty. TESTING - do not use yet!
Mod Info Fork this modI would like to balance some powers used in MP to make the characters who use them more viable in difficulties above Bronze. And for fun! Intended use is for friends, but anyone can use it!
Mod Info Fork this modreasonable difficulty tweaks for a more challenging experience/modified base game and all dlc/16 enemies on map at once/true to vanilla experience/
Mod Info Fork this modMakes almost every characters ability viable for platinum. Balanced melee for characters intended to have melee builds.
Mod Info Fork this modWide-reaching mod meant to increase the intensity of Multiplayer Combat.
▶ Video Mod Info Fork this modInsane, diabolical wave spawns, inspired by the classic "100 Enemies" mod. All platinum and most gold waves meticulously customized, plus minor, client-safe balance tweaks.
Mod Info Fork this modThis Mod grants more enemies with mixture of all enemies as you and your team make a last stand to survive. (promotes teamwork) characters tweaked to survive better- shield consumables upgraded
▶ Video Mod Info Fork this modRebalanced bad weapons and bad powers, more credits, buffed all melee, attempted to make bland things more unique, rebalanced enemy units to make certain factions more fun to fight.
Mod Info Fork this modMODIFIED THE FOLLOWING: N7 Valiant, Widow, M-7 Lancer, Prothean Particle Rifle, AT-12 Raider, N7 Piranha, Acolyte, Executioner Pistol, Cyclonic Modulator and Power Amplifier Module.
Mod Info Fork this modAll factions are mixed together. Only mooks on gold. Some powers and weapons are beefed up. Silver is just for lolz.
Mod Info Fork this modMore enemies.More agressive enemies and rebalanced game.Rebalanced most of guns,abilities,money from missions.
Mod Info Fork this modUpgrading the flamer for Geth Trooper. Various tweaks for lancer and Javelin. Edited some consumable items. Increased Hex shield strength for Geth Juggernaut.
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