Zombie Mod
Published by FemShep
ModMaker Download Code 99
Revision 233, published January 7, 2020, 9:44 pm
Mod information is generated when mods are published. However, forking a mod clones information from the database, which may be newer than the information on this page.
Lots of husks/abominations and more. Balanced for Gold. All powers balanced for more impacts. Payout increased for extra work. Vigorously tested for fun. Requires a moderate to high-end system.
Extended Mod Description
Zombie Mod is the love child of ME3Tweaks ModMaker - years of love and care have been poured into it with hundreds of hours of playtesting to fine tune it.
Zombie Mod has mostly husks and abominations as the base enemy. As waves progress, husks drop out and more abominations come in, along with a few other units to change things up.
This mod is only tested on gold. Platinum has not been balanced in a long time.
Other things that have been changed:
- Some enemies have been changed to perform different roles, such as one of the Atlases and one of the Geth Primes forcing you out a held position.
- Player and enemy weapons have been rebalanced to make OP enemy guns easier to deal with (such as the marauder), and make player guns not suck as bad (like the vindicator).
- 7 wavelists so you can change between easy (cerberus) and more difficult (the second cerberus) wavelists. Or if you want to change it up, pick the final wavelist (second reaper) for same-enemy waves, to see what its like to have the same enemy as a wave
- Objective on wave 1
- Credits on gold at 135K, credits on platinum 200K
- Powers for players have been buffed to hit more enemies.
- The condor ammo box generation rate has been fixed from 20s to 3s, like the other maps
- Many MixIns. See below.
Zombie Mod does not change any player rate of fire, burst fire count, magazine sizes, or other items taht break client weapons, as well as having no invisible enemy waves (as long as clients have vanilla wavelists). If the balance changes ASI is not installed, you will have a significantly harder time as enemies will have more powerful weapons while player weapons will be worse.
Fix issues in ModMaker server manifest builder
Revision 230 (2018-12-21)
Republish with removal of outdated mixin
Revision 229 (2018-12-21)
Republish with removal of oudated mixin for KillZ
Revision 228 (2018-12-16)
Level fixes for the unreleased maps
Revision 227 (2018-12-16)
Level fixes for the unreleased maps
Revision 226 (2017-06-11)
Swap cerb trooper for nemesis in gold original cerberus wave 3
Revision 225 (2017-05-07)
Praetorians no longer have a flying shield.
Revision 224 (2017-02-20)
New video
Revision 223 (2017-02-12)
Nerf fast atlas hp, buff some guns, tweak some enemies.
Revision 222 (2016-10-22)
buff force of warlord melee 3
Revision 221 (2016-10-22)
buff power combos
Revision 220 (2016-10-10)
Havok Strike Buffed.
Revision 219 (2016-10-09)
Buff Submission Net Pulse damage
Revision 218 (2016-10-09)
Faster net pulse damage
Revision 217 (2016-10-09)
Fix submission net
Revision 216 (2016-10-09)
Fix submission net
Revision 215 (2016-10-09)
Fix submission net
Revision 214 (2016-10-09)
Submission Net buffed and rebalanced.
Revision 213 (2016-10-09)
Submission Net buffed and rebalanced.
Revision 212 (2016-10-01)
Singularity ragdoll count fix
Revision 211 (2016-10-01)
Human Adept Melee does more force, less damage
Revision 209 (2016-10-01)
Abomination changes, testing (less health and faster)
Revision 208 (2016-10-01)
Changed geth pyro movement speeds.
Revision 207 (2016-09-29)
Pylon rebalance
Revision 206 (2016-09-29)
Rebalance supply pylon.
Revision 205 (2016-09-25)
Add bugfix mixins, singularity expansion 6A
Revision 204 (2016-09-17)
MixIns fixed, added ZoneInfo - KillZ for unreleased maps and Maelstrom safe pools mixin
Revision 203 (2016-09-17)
Tone down collector wave 9 and geth wave 11. Add ragdoll mixins for dragoon and pyro ragdoll.
Revision 202 (2016-09-17)
Re-balanced gold waves so they should near the same difficulty across the same wave number. e.g. wave 8 geth should be near wave 8 cerberus difficulty. Lots of enemy counts (on bosses) have been capped per wave.
Revision 201 (2016-09-11)
Add mixins singularity affect all, bf3 menu fix, collector web affects everybody. Buff geth pulse rifle a bit more, nerf valkyrie
Revision 199 (2016-09-10)
Nerf duration of singularity. Make it do more ragdolls.
Revision 198 (2016-09-10)
Extended singularity duration from 8 to 20 seconds.
Revision 197 (2016-09-10)
add bf3 inf
Revision 196 (2016-09-07)
Geth Melee Passive buffed a bit, also hits more enemies now.
Revision 195 (2016-09-06)
Fix publisher page, mod manager mod description
Revision 194 (2016-09-06)
Fix publisher page, mod manager mod description
Revision 193 (2016-09-06)
Fix publisher page, mod manager mod description
Revision 192 (2016-09-05)
Add Sniper Rifle - No NoScope Penalty
Revision 191 (2016-09-05)
Krysae Damage Buff
Revision 190 (2016-09-05)
Fix description in mod manager
Revision 189 (2016-09-05)
Fix description in mod manager
Revision 188 (2016-09-05)
Fixed wave 1 spawns for assassination.
Revision 187 (2016-09-05)
Fixed wave 1 spawns for assassination.
Revision 186 (2016-09-05)
Set Extended Description
Revision 185 (2016-09-05)
Set Extended Description
Revision 184 (2016-09-05)
Phaeston Fixed
Revision 183 (2016-09-05)
Mattock, Raptor fixes
Revision 182 (2016-09-04)
Lots of balance changes to both teams guns. Lots of player buffs. Some enemy nerfs. Changed objective waves.
Revision 181 (2016-09-04)
Lots of balance changes to both teams guns. Lots of player buffs. Some enemy nerfs. Changed objective waves.
Revision 180 (2016-09-04)
Lots of balance changes to both teams guns. Lots of player buffs. Some enemy nerfs. Changed objective waves.
Revision 179 (2016-09-04)
Lots of balance changes to both teams guns. Lots of player buffs. Some enemy nerfs. Changed objective waves.
Revision 178 (2016-09-04)
Lots of balance changes to both teams guns. Lots of player buffs. Some enemy nerfs. Changed objective waves.
Revision 177 (2016-09-04)
Lots of balance changes to both teams guns. Lots of player buffs. Some enemy nerfs. Changed objective waves.
Revision 176 (2016-09-04)
Lots of balance changes to both teams guns. Lots of player buffs. Some enemy nerfs. Changed objective waves.
Revision 175 (2016-08-31)
Fix hurricane inheriting from shuriken
Revision 174 (2016-08-30)
Fix mod page generator
Revision 173 (2016-08-30)
Fix mod page generator
Revision 172 (2016-08-29)
Some waves have been balanced to use more base enemies, this will result in more gameplay randomization.
Revision 171 (2016-08-27)
Homing grenades are now faster.
Revision 170 (2016-08-21)
fix atlas again.
Revision 169 (2016-08-21)
Fix atlas
Revision 168 (2016-08-21)
nerf geth prime and marauders
Revision 167 (2016-08-21)
Make new super enemy boss that appears in wavelists.
Revision 166 (2016-08-20)
Move more extractions
Revision 165 (2016-08-20)
Moved extraction point on glacier/reactor/white
Revision 164 (2016-08-20)
More guns buffed
Revision 163 (2016-08-19)
Fix enemies receiving weapon buffs from the avenger buff.
Revision 162 (2016-08-19)
Apply inheritance-breaking lockout mixin to shuriken to prevent collector SMG superbuffs
Revision 161 (2016-08-19)
Apply inheritance-breaking lockout mixin to shuriken to prevent collector SMG superbuffs
Revision 160 (2016-08-19)
Apply inheritance-breaking lockout mixin to shuriken to prevent collector SMG superbuffs
Revision 158 (2016-08-19)
Buffed more of the crappy guns to do more against armor and shields. Now visible in the dynamic mixins section of the synopsis area
Revision 157 (2016-08-19)
Buffed more of the crappy guns to do more against armor and shields. Now visible in the dynamic mixins section of the synopsis area
Revision 156 (2016-08-18)
Buff some guns damage resistance multipliers
Revision 155 (2016-08-14)
Striker, adas, acolyte, krysae buffed
Revision 154 (2016-08-13)
Map description and hint text updates
Revision 153 (2016-08-12)
Multiple enemy weapons have been nerfed as zombie mod difficulty has been increasing over time.
Revision 152 (2016-08-09)
nerf bomber
Revision 151 (2016-08-07)
Buff phase disruptor
Revision 150 (2016-08-06)
Buff Juggy Hardened Platform 6A shield regen.
Revision 149 (2016-08-06)
Republish for v2
Revision 148 (2016-08-06)
actually add juggy mixin.
Revision 147 (2016-08-06)
Add Mixin: Geth Juggernaut - Team Heal 6B. Buff juggy sync and melee passive, increase force on AIU melee
Revision 146 (2016-08-04)
Faster swarmer gen
Revision 145 (2016-08-04)
More ravagers, faster swarmer spawn time
Revision 144 (2016-08-04)
More swarmers for less damage
Revision 143 (2016-08-03)
Ascension Mode: 6000 seconds now (previously 45)
Revision 142 (2016-08-02)
Shield mastery buffed
Revision 141 (2016-07-28)
Nerf cain mine and abomination sync explosion delay
Revision 140 (2016-07-17)
Heavily buff explosive rounds
Revision 139 (2016-07-17)
Changed some extraction points to other areas. Nerfed damage from geth rocket launcher.
Revision 138 (2016-07-06)
Add both Atlas any range smoke mixin
Revision 137 (2016-07-06)
Buffed multiple gun damages that allow it. The reegar has been slightly nerfed because it is way too against the multiple small mooks. Atlases should smoke more now.
Revision 136 (2016-07-06)
Make atlas able to shoot smoke grenades faster.
Revision 135 (2016-07-06)
Republish due to bad supply pylon mixin definition.
Revision 134 (2016-07-06)
Updated description.
Revision 133 (2016-07-06)
Nerfed geth prime rifle, geth pulse rifle (enemy). Added mixins: Abomination - DoT enemies, supply pylon buff all, abomination always explode.
Revision 132 (2016-07-05)
Fixed mattock
Revision 131 (2016-07-05)
Wavelist changes, sabotage duration nerfed from 120s to 30s. Added engi-repair anyone mixin.
Revision 130 (2016-07-03)
Remove match timer mixin as it is not functioning as expected
Revision 129 (2016-07-03)
Objective timer sync lowered from 60s to 5s which should reduce timer confusion on wave 11. Fixed condor ammo, nerfed supply pylon, nerfed grenades per drop in box, reduced spawn delay of grenades from 20 to 7
Revision 128 (2016-06-22)
Praetorian shoots missiles faster.
Revision 127 (2016-06-20)
Add mixin: Praetorian laser hits all.
Revision 126 (2016-06-20)
Nerfed praetorian, banshee teleport a bit slower + farther away, husks do more damage on winning fight
Revision 125 (2016-06-18)
Conversion of hungry cannibal speed from mixin to dynamic mixin
Revision 124 (2016-06-18)
Add Mixin: Medigel Transmitter Dead Rising. Dead players will revive as long as they are near a person using medi gel transmitter.
Revision 123 (2016-06-18)
Buffed weapons. Changed some RoF - needs some tesing to make sure clients don't break.
Revision 122 (2016-06-18)
Geth Pulse Rifle (enemy) is nerfed a bit
Revision 121 (2016-06-17)
Tweaking geth juggernaut enemy...
Revision 120 (2016-06-16)
Geth Juggernaut enemy moves a bit faster, banshee sync kill change a bit smaller
Revision 119 (2016-06-06)
Bees move faster on glacier hazard. Reactor doors stay shut for longer.
Revision 118 ()
Reactor now does 10000 damage a sec vs 1000 damage a sec. Things in the reactor should now die.
Revision 117 ()
Added dynamic mixins to vary enemy speeds and tweak a few things like geth bomber. Will refine in future updates.
Wave compositions
Hover over each cell in the table to view the wave composition. Cells labelled as BAD indicate clients will not be able to see at least one of the enemies. Cells with stripes indicate that the wave was modified since Genesis.
This mod allows up to 24 enemies on the field at a time. Up to 2 enemies can be aggressive while berserk mode is not enabled.
Cerberus wave compositions/invisible enemy waves | |||||||||||
Difficulty | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 |
Gold | OK | OK | OK | OK | OK | OK | OK | OK | OK | OK | OK |
Platinum | OK | OK | OK | OK | OK | OK | OK | OK | OK | OK | OK |
Geth wave compositions/invisible enemy waves | |||||||||||
Difficulty | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 |
Gold | OK | OK | OK | OK | OK | OK | OK | OK | OK | OK | OK |
Platinum | OK | OK | OK | OK | OK | OK | OK | OK | OK | OK | OK |
Reaper wave compositions/invisible enemy waves | |||||||||||
Difficulty | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 |
Gold | OK | OK | OK | OK | OK | OK | OK | OK | OK | OK | OK |
Platinum | OK | OK | OK | OK | OK | OK | OK | OK | OK | OK | OK |
Collector wave compositions/invisible enemy waves | |||||||||||
Difficulty | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 |
Gold | OK | OK | OK | OK | OK | OK | OK | OK | OK | OK | OK |
Platinum | OK | OK | OK | OK | OK | OK | OK | OK | OK | OK | OK |
Original Cerberus wave compositions/invisible enemy waves | |||||||||||
Difficulty | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 |
Gold | OK | OK | OK | OK | OK | OK | OK | OK | OK | OK | OK |
Platinum | OK | OK | OK | OK | OK | OK | OK | OK | OK | OK | OK |
Original Geth wave compositions/invisible enemy waves | |||||||||||
Difficulty | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 |
Gold | OK | OK | OK | OK | OK | OK | OK | OK | OK | OK | OK |
Platinum | OK | OK | OK | OK | OK | OK | OK | OK | OK | OK | OK |
Original Reapers wave compositions/invisible enemy waves | |||||||||||
Difficulty | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 |
Gold | OK | OK | OK | OK | OK | OK | OK | OK | OK | OK | OK |
Platinum | OK | OK | OK | OK | OK | OK | OK | OK | OK | OK | OK |
Pay Table
Time bonuses are scaled down after a certain threshhold for each objective is hit. Complete objectives quickly to get the full bonus.
Pay table | ||||||
Difficulty/Task | Wave 1 | Wave 3 | Wave 6 | Wave 10 | Extraction | Total |
Gold Objectives | 6160 | 13200 | 24640 | 44000 | 25000 | ~135000 |
Gold Time Bonuses | 1540 | 3300 | 6160 | 11000 | N/A | |
Platinum Objectives | 9800 | 21000 | 39200 | 70000 | 25000 | ~200000 |
Platinum Time Bonuses | 2450 | 5250 | 9800 | 17500 | N/A |
Enemy Costs and Wave Budgets
Enemy Unit Costs | |||
Assault Trooper | 20 | Cannibal | 25 |
Centurion | 20 | Marauder | 35 |
Engineer | 25 | Brute | 60 |
Nemesis | 40 | Husk | 10 |
Guardian | 40 | Ravager | 60 |
Dragoon | 70 | Banshee | 100 |
Phantom | 80 | Collector Trooper | 25 |
Atlas | 100 | Collector Captain | 35 |
Geth Trooper | 20 | Abomination | 10 |
Rocket Trooper | 40 | Scion | 65 |
Geth Hunter | 40 | Praetorian | 120 |
Geth Pyro | 40 | Original Atlas | 90 |
Geth Bomber | 30 | Original Geth Pyro | 30 |
Geth Prime | 100 | Original Cannibal | 30 |
Original Marauder | 100 | Original Banshee | 100 |
Original Geth Prime | 100 | Original Phantom | 80 |
Wave Budget Table | |||||||||||
Difficulty | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 |
Gold | ∞ | 920 | ∞ | 1160 | 1280 | ∞ | 1520 | 1640 | 1760 | ∞ | 2000 |
Platinum | ∞ | 1010 | ∞ | 1230 | 1340 | ∞ | 1560 | 1670 | 1780 | ∞ | 2000 |
Recommended MixIns
The author of this mod has specified that the following MixIns are advertised for installation when the mod is downloaded.
- Abomination - Always Explode v3
- Abomination - Explosion DoT All v3
- AI - Avoid All Fire v5
- AI - Ignore Friendly Obstructions v4
- Atlas - Any Range Smoke v3
- Atlas2 - Any Range Smoke v3
- Attacks Pets - Dragoon MP v3
- Banshee - Accept Invalid Paths v7
- Bugfix - BF3 Infiltrator - Menu Model v4
- Bugfix - Neptune - Grenades Respawn v5
- Bugfix - Unreleased Maps - KillZ v4
- Cannibal2 MP - Eat Any Pawn v3
- Collector Web - Affects Everybody v3
- Enemy Friendly Fire v4
- Engineer - Deploy Turret Anywhere v3
- Engineer - No Turret Suicide v3
- Engineer - Repair Any Armor v3
- Engineer - Repair Anybody v3
- Everything Can Be Meleed v4
- Geth Juggernaut - Team Heal 6A v5
- Geth Prime 2 - Pulse Rifle v3
- Lobby - Extra Maps v4
- Medigel Transmitter - Dead Rising v3
- MP Enemies Drop Ammo v4
- Original Phantom MP - Cloak Infinitely v3
- Phantom MP - Cloak Infinitely v4
- Pizza - Power Pizza v4
- Pizza - Speedy Pizza v4
- Praetorian - Laser Hits All v3
- Praetorian MP - No Flying Shield v3
- Ragdoll Dragoon MP v3
- Ragdoll Geth Pyro MP v5
- Reactor Hazard - Auto Venting v3
- Reactor Hazard - Faster Reactor v5
- Sabotage - Hack All Enemies v4
- Scion MP - Grenades Available v3
- Shotguns - No Firing Latency v3
- Singularity - Allow Players In Field v5
- Singularity - Restore 6A Expansion v5
- Sniper Rifles - No NoScope Penalty v4
- Supply Pylon - Buff Everyone v4
- Teamwork Executions v5
Dynamic MixIns
The author of this mod has configured the following Dynamic MixIns:
- Original Phantom - Cloak Evasion Delay: 0.15
- Original Phantom - Cloak Health Regeneration: 250
- Original Phantom - Movement Acceleration: 350
- Original Phantom - Movement Speed: 550
- Original Phantom - Sword Health: 200
- Scion MP - Cluster Gravity Scale: 0.25
- Scion MP - Grenade Bounciness: 0.5
- Scion MP - Movement Speed: 250
- Guardian - Lose Shield Force Threshold: 700
- Guardian - Movement Speed: 250
- Guardian - No Shield Movement Speed: 500
- Guardian - Ragdoll Shield Drop Delay: 15
- Guardian - Stagger Force Threshold: 600
- Guardian - Under Fire Multiplier Duration: 1.5
- Guardian - Under Fire Speed Modifier: 0.6
- Centurion - Movement Acceleration: 500
- Centurion - Movement Speed: 300
- Original Cannibal - Hungry Run Speed Modifier: 2.5
- Cannibal - Hungry Run Speed Modifier: 2.5
- Banshee - AOE Blast Damage: 3000
- Banshee - Enemy Distance (Long): 3000
- Banshee - Enemy Distance (Medium): 1900
- Banshee - Enemy Distance (Short): 1400
- Banshee - Melee Damage: 500
- Banshee - Nearby Enemy Distance: 900
- Banshee(s) - Close Range Teleport (No-Cover): -200
- Banshee(s) - Teleport Initial Speed: 2200
- Banshee(s) - Teleport Max Speed: 2200
- Original Banshee - AOE Blast Damage: 3000
- Original Banshee - Enemy Distance (Long): 1400
- Original Banshee - Enemy Distance (Medium): 1900
- Original Banshee - Enemy Distance (Short): 3000
- Original Banshee - Nearby Enemy Distance: 900
- Brute - Chest Armor Health: 1600
- Brute - Left Arm Damage Scaling: 0.6
- Brute - Left Shoulder Armor Health: 1200
- Brute - Right Arm Damage Scaling: 0.6
- Brute - Right Shoulder Armor Health: 1200
- Husk - Chest Armor Health: 500
- Husk - Head Armor Health: 600
- Husk - Left Shoulder Armor Health: 400
- Husk - Right Shoulder Armor Health: 400
- Husk - Sync Melee Throwdown Damage: 2500
- Praetorian - Enemy Distance (Sync): 400
- Praetorian - Right Claw Melee Damage: 400
- Praetorian - Missile Spacing: 0.15
- Praetorian - Missile Spacing (Animation): 0.15
- Ammo Container - Respawn Time: 3
- Game Core - Max Smoke Grenades: 10
- Grenade Container - Respawn Time: 7
- Ghost Hazard - Extraction Point X: -3836
- Ghost Hazard - Extraction Point Y: -2804
- Ghost Hazard - Extraction Point Z: 1891.1
- Collector Adept- Ascension Duration: 6000
- Condor - Extraction Point X: -11439
- Condor - Extraction Point Y: -473
- Condor - Extraction Point Z: -1808
- Dagger - Extraction Point 1 X: -1026
- Dagger - Extraction Point 1 Y: -813
- Dagger - Extraction Point 1 Z: -408
- Dagger - Extraction Point 2 X: -2775
- Dagger - Extraction Point 2 Y: 96
- Dagger - Extraction Point 2 Z: -208
- Ghost - Extraction Point X: -2540
- Ghost - Extraction Point Y: -812
- Ghost - Extraction Point Z: 1691
- Giant - Extraction Point X: 2283
- Giant - Extraction Point Y: -3820
- Giant - Extraction Point Z: -1488
- London - Extraction Point X: 51732
- London - Extraction Point Y: -43509
- London - Extraction Point Z: 120
- Rio - Extraction Point X: 1240
- Rio - Extraction Point Y: 6042
- Rio - Extraction Point Z: -1858
- Ravager - Movement Speed: 300
- Ravager Cannon - Max Angle Change: 0.075
- Ravager Cannon - Max Speed: 4000
- Ravager Cannon - Spawn Speed: 4000
- Swarmer - Movement Acceleration: 200
- Swarmer - Movement Speed: 360
- Swarmer - Power Impact Damage: 50
- Glacier Hazard - Play Rate Idle (Start): 1.5
- Reactor - Extraction Point 1 X: -1285
- Reactor - Extraction Point 1 Y: 1542
- Reactor - Extraction Point 1 Z: -299
- Reactor - Extraction Point 2 X: 1707
- Reactor - Extraction Point 2 Y: 2784
- Reactor - Extraction Point 2 Z: -599
- Glacier - Extraction Point X: 2564
- Glacier - Extraction Point Y: 2072
- Glacier - Extraction Point Z: 91
- White - Extraction Point X: 4093
- White - Extraction Point Y: -5088
- White - Extraction Point Z: -345
- Hydra - Extraction Point X: 3948
- Hydra - Extraction Point Y: 1967
- Hydra - Extraction Point Z: -206
- Goddess - Extraction Point 100 X: -9992
- Goddess - Extraction Point 100 Y: -4187
- Goddess - Extraction Point 100 Z: 704
- Vancouver - Extraction Point 1 X: 7455
- Vancouver - Extraction Point 1 Y: 19789
- Vancouver - Extraction Point 1 Z: -293
- Vancouver - Extraction Point 2 X: 12840
- Vancouver - Extraction Point 2 Y: 16201
- Vancouver - Extraction Point 2 Z: -51
- Dagger Hazard - Extraction Point 1 X: -4358
- Dagger Hazard - Extraction Point 1 Y: -3359
- Dagger Hazard - Extraction Point 1 Z: -208
- Dagger Hazard - Extraction Point 2 X: 2668
- Dagger Hazard - Extraction Point 2 Y: 619
- Dagger Hazard - Extraction Point 2 Z: -108
- Reactor Hazard - Extraction Point 1 X: 3553
- Reactor Hazard - Extraction Point 1 Y: 756
- Reactor Hazard - Extraction Point 1 Z: -508.8
- Reactor Hazard - Extraction Point 2 X: 1592
- Reactor Hazard - Extraction Point 2 Y: 5661
- Reactor Hazard - Extraction Point 2 Z: -208.8
- Reactor Hazard - Reactor Damage per Second: 7500
- Giant Hazard - Extraction Point X: -2409
- Giant Hazard - Extraction Point Y: -8363
- Giant Hazard - Extraction Point Z: -1798
- White Hazard - Extraction Point X: 5269
- White Hazard - Extraction Point Y: 122
- White Hazard - Extraction Point Z: -166
- Glacier Hazard - Death Plane Z: -5000
- Glacier Hazard - Extraction Point 1 X: 3807
- Glacier Hazard - Extraction Point 1 Y: -3069
- Glacier Hazard - Extraction Point 1 Z: -408
- Glacier Hazard - Swarm Angry Damage: 300
- Glacier Hazard - Swarm Loop Transition Speed: 1.2
- Glacier Hazard - Swarm Movement Speed: 0.8
- Glacier Hazard - Swarm Movement Speed (Finishing Loop): 1
- Atlas - Block Smoke Distance Percent: 0.85
- Atlas - Ground Pound Damage: 1500
- Atlas - Movement Acceleration: 400
- Atlas - Movement Speed: 250
- Atlas - Post-Mortem Explosion Damage: 900
- Atlas - Smoke Last Visibility Time: 12
- Geth Prime - Enemy Distance (Long): 300
- Geth Prime - Enemy Distance (Medium): 300
- Geth Prime - Enemy Distance (Short): 300
- Geth Prime - Max Fire Wait Time: 200
- Geth Prime - Movement Speed: 600
- Geth Prime - Nearby Enemy Distance: 1500
- Geth Prime - Post-Mortem Explosion Radius: 800
- Geth Prime - Post-Mortem Shield Damage: 900
- Original Geth Prime - Siege Pulse Max Speed: 3000
- Original Geth Prime - Siege Pulse Spawn Speed: 2000
- Original Atlas - Arm Swing Damage: 400
- Original Atlas - Block Smoke Distance Percent: 0.6
- Original Atlas - Ground Pound Damage: 600
- Original Atlas - Movement Speed: 700
- Original Atlas - Smoke Last Visibility Time: 12
- Homing Grenade - Drell Assassin Accel Speed: 1000
- Homing Grenade - Drell Assassin Fuse Length: 10
- Homing Grenade - Drell Assassin Max Speed: 4000
- Homing Grenade - Drell Assassin Spawn Speed: 1000
- Homing Grenade - N7 Engineer Accel Speed: 1000
- Homing Grenade - N7 Engineer Fuse Length: 10
- Homing Grenade - N7 Engineer Max Speed: 4000
- Homing Grenade - N7 Engineer Spawn Speed: 1000
- Homing Grenade - Turian Saboteur Accel Rate: 1000
- Homing Grenade - Turian Saboteur Fuse Length: 10
- Homing Grenade - Turian Saboteur Max Speed: 4000
- Homing Grenade - Turian Saboteur Spawn Speed: 1000
- BioPawn - Combat Ground Speed: 400
- Geth Pyro - Movement Speed: 150
- Original Geth Pyro - Movement Speed: 400
- Abomination - Smashed Head Damage: 200
- Abomination - Sync Damage per Second: 100
- Abomination - Sync Explosion Delay: 2.1
- Geth Bomber - Bombing Run Duration: 4
- Geth Bomber - Enemy Distance (Melee): 200
- Geth Bomber - Grenade Max Speed: 3000
- Geth Bomber - Grenade Spawn Speed: 2000
- Geth Bomber - Movement Speed: 450
- Engineer - Max Repair Search Distance: 3000
- Engineer - Repair Cooldown: 1
- Engineer - Repair Threshold: 0.9
- Engineer - Turret Deployment Cooldown: 1
- Engineer - Turret Minimum Firing Interval: 1
- Nemesis - Cover Movement Speed: 600
- Nemesis - Crouched Cover Movement Speed: 600
- Nemesis - Movement Speed: 600
- Geth Rocket Trooper - Minimum Firing Distance: 300
- Geth Rocket Trooper - Rocket Health: 5
- Acolyte - Fuse Length: 5
- Krysae - Damage Radius: 250
- Krysae - Flinching Distance: 250
- Striker Assault Rifle - Explosion Damage Radius: 120
- Striker Assault Rifle - Projectile Momentum Transfer: 6000
- Striker Assault Rifle - Radial Damage Impulse: 20
- Adas Assault Rifle - Damage Radius: 90
- Adas Assault Rifle - Explosion Effect Radius: 80
- Geth Plasma SMG - Ramped Damage Multiplier: 3.5
- Collector Adept- Ascension Duration Balance Change Lockout
- Acolyte - TYPE Damage Multiplier - Shield: 5x, Armor: 1.2x, Biotic: 5x
- Disciple - TYPE Damage Multiplier - Shield: 1.5x, Armor: 1.1x, Biotic: 1.5x
- Krysae - TYPE Damage Multiplier - Shield: 2x, Armor: 3.5x, Biotic: 2x
- Avenger - TYPE Damage Multiplier - Shield: 2.2x, Armor: 2.6x, Biotic: 2.2x
- Avenger - Create unique damage type AvengerRifle (break inheritance)
- Lancer - Create unique damage type Lancr
- Incisor - TYPE Damage Multiplier - Shield: 1.6x, Armor: 1.9x, Biotic: 1.6x
- Raptor - Create unique damage type Raptor_SniperRifle
- Indra - Create unique damage type Indra_Sniper_Rifle
- Saber - TYPE Damage Multiplier - Shield: 1x, Armor: 1.15x, Biotic: 1x
- Valkyrie - Create unique damage type N7_AR
- N7 Piranha - TYPE Damage Multiplier - Shield: 1.2x, Armor: 1.5x, Biotic: 1.2x
- Piranha - Create unique damage type Piranha
- Striker - TYPE Damage Multiplier - Shield: 1.6x, Armor: 1.9x, Biotic: 1.6x
- Shuriken - TYPE Damage Multiplier - Shield: 1.5x, Armor: 1.1x, Biotic: 1.5x
- Shuriken - Create unique damage type M4Shuriken (break inherance)
- Valkyrie - TYPE Damage Multiplier - Shield: 1.1x, Armor: 1.4x, Biotic: 1.1x
- Valkyrie - Create unique damage type N7_AR
- Atlas - Sight Radius: 4001cm
- Geth Prime - Sight Radius: 2000cm
- Original Geth Prime - Sight Radius: 4000cm
- Marauder - Sight Radius: 1500cm
- Original Marauder - Sight Radius: 1000cm
- Original Atlas - Sight Radius: 400cm
- Original Geth Pyro - Sight Radius: 400cm
- Nemesis - Sight Radius: 9000cm
- Read from configuration files: SFXDamageType->Resistance property
- Read from configuration files: Pawn->SightRadius property
Required DLC
This mod requires the following DLC to install:
- Resurgence
- Rebellion
- Earth
- Retaliation
- Reckoning
- Mass Effect 3 MP Balance Changes Patch 2 (PATCH2)
- Binkw32 DLC Bypass (ASI Version) + Balance Changes Replacer ASI
MixIns may require additional DLC. They are not required but are strongly recommended as the mod will not behave as designed without them.
Fork tree
Published mods that directly forked from this mod
- Zombie Thrash
- Zombies
- Zombie Thrash 3
- Test
- ztest
- Zombie
- zombeh
- Z-Test
- Zombie Lash
- Zombie Fun
- Abcd
- Horde Mode
- More enemies
- Boss mod
- Drivable atlas test
- Derp
- test
- Zombeh
- Dead Zeds Revamped
- Only zombies
- Zombies a la Antoine
- Zombie Mod RAGDOLL
- My Zombies
- 500k Credits ZM
- ZM More Credits
- Zombie mode
- Zombie Mod2
- Zombie mine
- Zombie Mod1
- Zombie Swarmers
- zombie 1
- zombie2
- 99ji
- Easier Zombie Mod
- Zombie mod tweaked
- Langernama Zombie Mod
- Ez Zombie
- Test Z Mode
- Zombies 100
- Test 1
- Zombie Mod V2
- Z Mod
- RadTheInhaler ZombieMod
- MeleeFest
- Z Test
- ZTest 2
- Zombie Mod Berserker
- NP01-1
- NP02-2
- HusksAndAbominations
- husk mod
- zombie
- Personal mod
- ZombieV1-0
- hakasiiiiii test1
- Zombie Boom
- zombie 2000
- Zombie Huggers
- My Zombies
- fdhdfg
- The Pure Zombie Mod
- Zombie Mod
- Husk-Guardians-Troopers
- Zombie Mod 500K Credits
- Zombie Mod Updated
- Rich Zombie Mod
- Destroyer
- test 1
- Hordes of Hordes
- hhhh
- Zombie Mod 99
- Zombies
- Zombie tweaks for me
- Zombie op
- Horde
- zombieedited
- ZmbDL
- zombiez