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Lots of husks/abominations and more. Balanced for Gold. All powers balanced for more impacts. Payout increased for extra work. Vigorously tested for fun. Requires a moderate to high-end system.
▶ Video Mod Info Fork this modV1.4.6/ Platinum/C/G/R/C/I've changed a lot of options for harder platinum game. I've boosted properly some consumables, You can win 225 000 max credits now.
▶ Video Mod Info Fork this modEnd Game will test you as a lone wolf and squadron leader, taking you to the limit. At the end ,a big reward will come Cerberus,Geth,Reaper and Collectors. B/S/G/P. Enjoy. have fun By Subject-IV V 6.6
▶ Video Mod Info Fork this modWide-reaching mod meant to increase the intensity of Multiplayer Combat.
▶ Video Mod Info Fork this modThis Mod grants more enemies with mixture of all enemies as you and your team make a last stand to survive. (promotes teamwork) characters tweaked to survive better- shield consumables upgraded
▶ Video Mod Info Fork this modThis mod is good for use with dynamic gravity commands that let characters fly into areas not usually accessible such as enemy spawn points. Enemies will aggressively charge players.
▶ Video Mod Info Fork this modCompletely rebalanced combat, much higher enemy count. Designed to be more of an endurance challenge with a high payout.
▶ Video Mod Info Fork this modReach to the extraction point through a firefight at a highest challenge level to find out if you are a TRUE N7! Now AVAILABLE for challenge level: BRONZE to PLATINUM.
▶ Video Mod Info Fork this modAlternate wavelist for platinum. Cerberus has all enemy types integrated, Geth have the control of all faction technology. Minor update to remove invisible enemies.
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