9 Enemies Per Wave
Published by Terminator Force
ModMaker Download Code 6048
Revision 336, published March 12, 2025, 4:03 pm
Mod information is generated when mods are published. However, forking a mod clones information from the database, which may be newer than the information on this page.
9 Enemies per wave, Vibration Damper Gear, and more;
Extended Mod Description
All Gold enemies' health (except Phantoms) have Platinum Health
Annihilation Field duration from 45 to 120
Dark Channel Fury rank 2 cooldown .25 to .6, dmg .2 to 1.25, other ranks 0
Throw radius 0 to 200, rank 2 cooldown .25 to .85
Ascension duration from 45 to 90
Poison Strike duration 5 to 8, distance 3000 to 4200, rest 0
Biotic Focus duration rnk3 .3 to 1, speed .1 to .175, 4b speed to 0
Nightshade Blades 4b nades 1 to 2, rng 1500 to 2250,
Biotic Orbs cooldown .1 to .15, radius 150cm to 300, others ranks 0
Barrier dmg reduction .25 to .4, cooldown penalty -30, rest 0
Shockwave radius 200 to 260, cooldown .25 to .65, 1600 to 2400, rest 0
Lash cooldown .25 to .6, dmg .2 to .5
Shield Boost 500cm to 700, Instant Restore .3 to .7, duration 3 to 6, cooldown .25 to 6, rest 0
Sabotage duration 12 to 22, rest 0
Incinerate radius 0 to 150, cooldown .25 to .5, combo duration 3 to 4, other ranks 0
Cryo Blast ArmWeakening .25 to .5, DmgBonus .1 to .25, radius 0 to 2, combo duration 3 to 4, other ranks 0
Energy Drain duration 10 to 999, restoration .5 to 1, dmg .2 to .9, other ranks 0
Decoy duration .3 to 1.2, durability 1000 to 1900, rest 0
CDrone dmg & duration .3 to 1.2, rest 0
Sentry Turret dmg & health .3 to .7,
Bloodlust duration 15s to 30s, health 50 to 60
Cluster Nade shrapnel 1 to 2, force & dmg .2 to .5, 4a & 6a to 0
Smash radius 150 to 225, 2 to 3, dmg & force .2 to .6, rest 0
Singularity radius 150 to 203, recharge .25 to 6, rest 0
Hunter Mode shield penalty 0.5 to 0, vision range from 15 to 24, movement speed from .05 to .2, accuracy 0.1 to .25, damage .05 to .175, other ranks 0
Marksman accuracy .35 to .45, rof .25 to .5, HS bonus .25 to .5, rest 0
Devastator Mode dmg .1 to .3 other ranks 0
Multi-Frag dmg rank 3 dmg .2 to 1.4, rank 3 force .2 to 1.3, other rank upgrades reduced to 0
Tac Scan slow from .15 to .30, rest 0
Tac Scan dmg .15 to .325, duration 20 to 46, rest 0
Tac Scan recharge 4 to 3.5, rest 0
Supply Pylon shield buff .25 to .5, Buff Radius 400 to 560, ammo recharge .25 to 1, other ranks 0
Sticky Nades rank 4A dmg .3 to .7, other dmg rank 0
Ballistic Blades DOT 10 to 15, rank 4A .3 to .8, range 12 to 18, cooldown .25 to .6, rest 0
Blade Armor 4B from .05 to .15, melee dmg .15 to .4, rest 0
Carnage rank 2 cooldown .25 to .60, radius 100 to 150, other ranks 0
Tech Armor 4A from .05 to .15 other ranks 0, Explosion Radius rank 3 from 0.2 to 0.5
Biotic Sphere radius 300 to 390, duration .3 to .4, dmg reduction .2 to .4, shield regen .15 to .25, other ranks 0
Reeve rank 2 cooldown from .25 to .6, dmg reduction from .15 to .4, rank 3 duration .35 to 1.05, radius 3m, rest 0
Pull rank 3 duration .5 to 2, rank 2 cooldown .25 to 1.75, pull radius 0 to 250, rest 0
Flamer rank 3 dmg .2 to .6, rank 5A to 0
Tactical Cloak dmg .4 to .8, rest 0
Fortification melee dmg bonus duration 20 to 3000 dmg reduction .05 to .15, melee dmg .2 to .5 other ranks 0
Sticky Nade 200cm to 260, rank 4B .3 to 7, other ranks 0
Hex Shield duration 18 to 27, strength .2 to .5, rest 0
Seige Pulse rnk 3 dmg .2 to .5, rnk 4 dmg .3 to 0
Geth Turret rank 3 shields .3 to 1, shield restore from 350 to 1200, restore range 800 to 1120, restore cooldown 8 to 4.8, other ranks 0
Stimpacks 5A nades 1 to 2, duration 6 to 9, shields 2000 to 4000, rest 0
Repair M 5A nades 1 to 2, Shields per sec .35 to 2, rest 0
CTrip Mine radius 5 to 9, rest 0
Juggernaut speed duration 10 to 30
Salarian, F Quarian, Ex-Cerb, Fury, Demolisher, Slayer, Collector, human health/shields 15 to 65, rank upgrades reduced to 0
Vorcha .15 to .75 +.35, rank upgrades reduced to 0
Destroyer health .25 to .75, rank upgrades reduced to 0
Paladin health 0.15 to 0.4, rank upgrades reduced to 0
Slayer health .2 to .55, speed .1 to .2, rank upgrades reduced to 0
AIU health 15 to 55, rank upgrades reduced to 0
Drell health .2 to .8 +.8, speed 0.1 to .2, rank upgrades reduced to 0
Krogan health .2 to .5, rage dmg reduction .2 to .25, rage duration & trigger 30 to 40, rank6b to 0, melee rank1 .2 to .5, rage melee rank1 .5 to .8
Warlord health .1 to .4, rage health regen 100 to 160, base rage dmg reduction .2 to .25, rank6b at 0, melee rank1 .2 to .5, rage melee dmg rank1 .5 to .8
Various Melee dmg increased .6
Shadow melee duration 20 to 30
Juggernaut health .2 to 1.3, melee health regen 500 to 925, rank upgrades reduced to 0
Collector Ascension power .1 to .25, cooldown .05 to 25, rank upgrades reduced to 0
Banshee maximum per wave limit introduced to 3 & 6 except objective & extraction waves.
Talon Merc health .15 to 1.2, Shield regen x2, Concussive 6b Nades 2 to 200
Reactor Hazard map turned off
CycMod 4 & 3 the same
Wave compositions
Hover over each cell in the table to view the wave composition. Cells labelled as BAD indicate clients will not be able to see at least one of the enemies. Cells with stripes indicate that the wave was modified since Genesis.
This mod allows up to 9 enemies on the field at a time. Up to 2 enemies can be aggressive while berserk mode is not enabled.
Cerberus wave compositions/invisible enemy waves | |||||||||||
Difficulty | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 |
Bronze | OK | OK | OK | OK | OK | OK | OK | OK | OK | OK | OK |
Silver | OK | OK | OK | OK | OK | OK | OK | OK | OK | OK | OK |
Gold | OK | OK | OK | OK | OK | OK | OK | OK | OK | OK | OK |
Platinum | OK | OK | OK | OK | OK | OK | OK | OK | OK | OK | OK |
Geth wave compositions/invisible enemy waves | |||||||||||
Difficulty | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 |
Bronze | OK | OK | OK | OK | OK | OK | OK | OK | OK | BAD | OK |
Silver | OK | OK | OK | OK | OK | OK | OK | OK | OK | OK | OK |
Gold | OK | OK | OK | OK | OK | OK | OK | OK | OK | BAD | BAD |
Platinum | OK | OK | OK | OK | OK | OK | BAD | OK | OK | OK | OK |
Reaper wave compositions/invisible enemy waves | |||||||||||
Difficulty | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 |
Bronze | OK | OK | OK | OK | OK | OK | OK | OK | OK | OK | OK |
Silver | OK | OK | OK | OK | OK | OK | OK | OK | OK | OK | OK |
Gold | OK | OK | OK | OK | OK | OK | OK | OK | OK | OK | OK |
Platinum | OK | OK | OK | OK | OK | OK | OK | OK | OK | OK | OK |
Collector wave compositions/invisible enemy waves | |||||||||||
Difficulty | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 |
Bronze | OK | OK | OK | OK | OK | OK | OK | OK | OK | OK | OK |
Silver | OK | OK | OK | OK | OK | OK | OK | OK | OK | OK | OK |
Gold | OK | OK | OK | OK | OK | OK | OK | OK | OK | OK | OK |
Platinum | OK | OK | OK | OK | BAD | OK | OK | OK | OK | OK | OK |
Pay Table
Time bonuses are scaled down after a certain threshhold for each objective is hit. Complete objectives quickly to get the full bonus.
Pay table | |||||
Difficulty/Task | Wave 3 | Wave 6 | Wave 10 | Extraction | Total |
Bronze Objectives | 1875 | 4375 | 6250 | 1675 | ~17301 |
Bronze Time Bonuses | 469 | 1094 | 1563 | N/A | |
Silver Objectives | 3750 | 8750 | 12500 | 3125 | ~34376 |
Silver Time Bonuses | 938 | 2188 | 3125 | N/A | |
Gold Objectives | 9000 | 21000 | 30000 | 7500 | ~82500 |
Gold Time Bonuses | 2250 | 5250 | 7500 | N/A | |
Platinum Objectives | 16500 | 38500 | 55000 | 13750 | ~151250 |
Platinum Time Bonuses | 4125 | 9625 | 13750 | N/A |
Enemy Costs and Wave Budgets
Enemy Unit Costs | |||
Assault Trooper | 20 | Cannibal | 25 |
Centurion | 30 | Marauder | 35 |
Engineer | 40 | Brute | 70 |
Nemesis | 40 | Husk | 30 |
Guardian | 40 | Ravager | 60 |
Dragoon | 70 | Banshee | 100 |
Phantom | 80 | Collector Trooper | 25 |
Atlas | 100 | Collector Captain | 35 |
Geth Trooper | 20 | Abomination | 40 |
Rocket Trooper | 40 | Scion | 75 |
Geth Hunter | 40 | Praetorian | 120 |
Geth Pyro | 40 | Original Atlas | 100 |
Geth Bomber | 30 | Original Geth Pyro | 40 |
Geth Prime | 100 | Original Cannibal | 35 |
Original Marauder | 100 | Original Banshee | 100 |
Original Geth Prime | 100 | Original Phantom | 80 |
Wave Budget Table | |||||||||||
Difficulty | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 |
Bronze | 240 | 336 | ∞ | 528 | 624 | ∞ | 816 | 912 | 1008 | ∞ | 1200 |
Silver | 400 | 510 | ∞ | 730 | 840 | ∞ | 1060 | 1170 | 1280 | ∞ | 1500 |
Gold | 600 | 720 | ∞ | 960 | 1080 | ∞ | 1320 | 1440 | 1560 | ∞ | 1800 |
Platinum | 900 | 1010 | ∞ | 1230 | 1340 | ∞ | 1560 | 1670 | 1780 | ∞ | 2000 |
Recommended MixIns
The author of this mod has specified that the following MixIns are advertised for installation when the mod is downloaded.
- Shotguns - No Firing Latency v3
Dynamic MixIns
The author of this mod has configured the following Dynamic MixIns:
- Guardian - Movement Speed: 150
- Geth Bomber - Movement Speed: 375
- Geth Pyro - Movement Speed: 250
- Geth Prime - Movement Speed: 155
- Ravager - Movement Speed: 200
- Praetorian - Flying Speed: 600
- Praetorian - Movement Speed: 400
- Scion MP - Movement Speed: 180
- Reactor Hazard - Reactor Damage per Second: 1000
- Collector Adept- Ascension Duration: 90
- TGI - StimPack Duration: 9
- TGI - StimPack Shield Strength: 4000
- Collector Adept- Ascension Duration Balance Change Lockout
- Turian Ghost Infiltrator - Duration Lockout
- Turian Ghost Infiltrator - StimPack ShieldStrength Lockout
Required DLC
This mod requires the following DLC to install:
- Resurgence
- Rebellion
- Earth
- Retaliation
- Reckoning
- Mass Effect 3 MP Balance Changes Patch 2 (PATCH2)
- Binkw32 DLC Bypass (ASI Version) + Balance Changes Replacer ASI
MixIns may require additional DLC. They are not required but are strongly recommended as the mod will not behave as designed without them.
Fork tree
Published mods that directly forked from this mod
- No mods fork this mod