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Upgrading the flamer for Geth Trooper. Various tweaks for lancer and Javelin. Edited some consumable items. Increased Hex shield strength for Geth Juggernaut.
Mod Info Fork this modSeveral changes intended for more fun. Mainly more melee damage. Greater hordes with less bosses on gold.
Mod Info Fork this modMore dangerous enemies and instant transition between waves - you can make lunch later. Best played with SILVER difficulty.
Mod Info Fork this modThis mod is good for use with dynamic gravity commands that let characters fly into areas not usually accessible such as enemy spawn points. Enemies will aggressively charge players.
▶ Video Mod Info Fork this modIncreases all the power Damage in the game if i have success with this mod. its only a Alpha yet changed some slight stats im working again on it
Mod Info Fork this modCompletely rebalanced combat, much higher enemy count. Designed to be more of an endurance challenge with a high payout.
▶ Video Mod Info Fork this modNot download Geth: Ne pas oublier de rajouter un nombre max d'ennemis(25)(Pour le 3 contre 1). Récolteurs: Ennemis max 5 pour les tests.
Mod Info Fork this modsame as my previous little mod packet but now has an easier version of the cut content prothean artifact (only 1 to retrieve) and a little rework on other objective (only a bit easier)
Mod Info Fork this modA baseline-difficulty multiplayer overhaul. Character and weapons adjustments. More hostile forces. Higher credit rewards.
Mod Info Fork this modThis Mod grants more enemies with mixture of all enemies as you and your team make a last stand to survive. (promotes teamwork) characters tweaked to survive better- shield consumables upgraded
Mod Info Fork this modSingleplayer only-mod that features an alternative combat experience. Mp Mods
Mod Info Fork this modA mod that increases the overall difficulty of Platinum while bringing some balance changes to many classes and underperforming powers, as well increased ammo generation and other quality-of-life.
Mod Info Fork this modDEFUNCT! With (skilled) players for Gold and Plat being hard to find, I've decided to create this mod to balance the game for lone wolves.
Mod Info Fork this modWhat happens when the Reapers convert an highly populated area? You and your squad get called, get to work soldier. RIP AND TEAR
Mod Info Fork this modIncreased stats by 0.3 of all consumables. Removed Battlefield Infiltrator, Chakram Launcher, Polonium Rounds, and Vibration Damper. EVERYTHING else left untouched
Mod Info Fork this modSlightly higher payout, Enemy specialized wavelists, OP tweaks. See extended description.
Mod Info Fork this modFast mini-game. Few tough enemies, low gravity. Assassination objective only. Cerberus finished.
Mod Info Fork this modChanged the indicators of health and shields some of the characters.Changed the power and damage of some abilities.Changed some characteristics of certain types of weapons...Made for himself.There are
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