ME3Tweaks ModMaker

Mods by T1K1M4N

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3 mods published

Deplorables Final

5364 ModMaker Code

Consumables increased by 0.2 per tier for a balanced approach to higher difficulties. Recommended: level 1 & 2 consumables for Gold difficulty. Level 4 & 5 consumables for Platinum play.

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Created by T1K1M4N Revision 30 2020-01-16

Deplorables Test

5358 ModMaker Code

Level 1 & 2 consumables is recommended for Gold runs and level 3 & 4 consumables mainly for Platinum.

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Created by T1K1M4N Revision 12 2019-12-19

Testing WIP

5348 ModMaker Code

Increased stats by 0.3 of all consumables. Removed Battlefield Infiltrator, Chakram Launcher, Polonium Rounds, and Vibration Damper. EVERYTHING else left untouched

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Created by T1K1M4N Revision 33 2019-10-08