Slades Tweaks
Published by Slade Shepherd
ModMaker Download Code 5365
Revision 81, published January 4, 2025, 2:10 pm
Mod information is generated when mods are published. However, forking a mod clones information from the database, which may be newer than the information on this page.
Vanilla-esque. Fixes what are viewed as annoyances, ugly gameplay changes and makes various abilities fun to use. Geared towards gold/platinum difficulty. TESTING - do not use yet!
No changelog was entered for the current revision.
Revision 77 (2025-01-04)
Cut down base recharge speed of Dark Seeker Swarm to 12 seconds.
Revision 74 (2025-01-01)
Altered explosive rounds as follows: 30% weapon damage on explosion at rank 1, 50% weapon damage at rank 2, 80% weapon damage at rank 3
Revision 73 (2020-12-25)
Removed Store Shows Everything Mixin
Revision 72 (2020-12-23)
Store Shows Everything mixin added
Revision 71 (2020-12-18)
- Dark Channel values reverted to vanilla<br /> - Warp values reverted to vanilla except for weapon/power bonus - these remain at 25% bonus instead of 15%
Revision 70 (2020-12-16)
N7 Sentinel<br /> - Shield/health upgrade bonuses increased by 10%<br /> <br /> Snap Freeze<br /> - Rank 4b evolution reduced to 25% bonus range
Revision 69 (2020-12-15)
Energy Drain<br /> - Base shield restoration doubled<br /> - Tech burst priming window increased from 1 second to 5 seconds<br /> - Electric combo duration increased to 5 seconds<br /> - Drain radius increased from 1.5m t<br /> - Maximum number of enemies affected increased to 3<br /> <br /> Supply pylon<br /> - Balance change lockout mixin values reverted to default values<br /> - Base time between grenade and ammo supply reduced to 10 seconds<br /> - Time reduction evolutions reduce base time by an additional 10 percent per rank<br /> - Shield bonuses increased to 50%<br /> - Buff radius more than doubled to 10m<br /> - Weapon and power damage bonuses increased to 25%<br /> - Base cooldown reduced from 30 seconds to 20 seconds<br /> - Shield buff duration quadrupled to 20 seconds
Revision 68 (2020-12-15)
Snap Freeze<br /> - Range doubled to 20m
Revision 67 (2020-12-14)
Removed Shotgun No-Latency Mixin
Revision 66 (2020-12-12)
Dark Channel<br /> - Damage bonus to armor/barriers increased to default values of 75%<br /> <br /> Warp<br /> - Bonuses against armor/barriers increased to 200%
Revision 65 (2020-12-10)
M-55 Argus<br /> - Reduced re-fire time to 0.15
Revision 63 (2020-12-10)
M-96 Mattock<br /> -Reverted to fire 1 round per burst
Revision 62 (2020-12-10)
M-96 Mattock<br /> - Fire characteristics changed to three-round bursts
Revision 61 (2020-12-07)
Tech Armor<br /> - Adjusted 4a evolution bonus to +50% additional radius instead of 60%
Revision 60 (2020-12-07)
Tech Armor<br /> - Base explosion radius increased by 100% to 6m<br /> - Explosion radius on rank 3 increases blast radius by 25%<br /> - 4a evolution on tech armor increases blast damage by 150%, blast radius by 60%
Revision 59 (2020-12-07)
Flamer<br /> -Flamer 4a evolution increases flamer range by 150% to 25m
Revision 58 (2020-12-06)
Graal Spike Thrower<br /> - Base damage increased by 20%
Revision 57 (2020-12-06)
- Updated gallery description.
Revision 56 (2020-12-06)
Blade Armor<br /> - Damage reduction increased to 50% with 4a evolution and 70% with 6b evolution<br /> - Melee damage bonus increased to 25% at base<br /> <br /> Juggernaut Sync Melee<br /> - Range increased to 10m<br /> <br /> Arc Grenade<br /> - Rank 2 grenade bonus increased to 3<br /> <br /> Havoc Strike<br /> - Weapon/Melee damage bonus duration increased to 15 seconds<br /> - Damage reduction window increased to 5 seconds<br /> - Base number of pawns affected by havoc strike increased to 3<br /> <br /> Lift Grenade<br /> - Rank 2 grenade bonus increased to 2<br /> - Base lift duration increased to 5 seconds<br /> <br /> Poison Strike<br /> - Max enemies able to be paralyzed on 6a evolution increased to 99<br /> - Paralysis duration on 6a evolution increased to 5 seconds<br /> - Poison Damage Over Time Increased to 150% of base value<br /> <br /> Nova<br /> - No barrier use chance on 6b evolution increased to 33%<br /> - All enemies within radius are now affected by nova blast<br /> - All unshielded enemies within blast radius are knocked down<br /> - Nova base damage increased by 58% to 550<br /> <br /> Smash<br /> - Base damage increased by 40% to 770
Revision 55 (2020-12-06)
Flamer<br /> - Range bonus reduced to an additional 10m on rank 5b evolution
Revision 54 (2020-12-05)
Prothean Particle Rifle<br /> - Weapon weight reduced to match that of the M-7 Lancer<br /> - Base damage increased by 300%
Revision 53 (2020-12-05)
Flamer<br /> - Base damage set to 230/s
Revision 52 (2020-12-05)
Flamer<br /> - 4a evolution range bonus increased to 200% of base range
Revision 51 (2020-12-05)
Flamer<br /> - Base range increased by 100% to 20m
Revision 50 (2020-12-05)
Krogan Warlord <br /> - Base health regeneration increased by 47%<br /> <br /> Tactical Scan<br /> - Area scan evolution duration increased by 300% to 10 seconds<br /> - Rank 4a evolution weapon and power damage bonuses increased to 15%, rank 6a damage bonus reduced to 5%<br /> - Movement speed penalty increased to 25% on selected target at base rank<br /> <br /> Cryo Blast<br /> - Base Radius increased to 2m<br /> - Base damage boost to chilled targets increased to 20%, rank 6b evolution bonus decreased to 5%<br /> <br /> N7 Shadow<br /> - Light melee damage increased to 450<br /> - Heavy melee damage increased to 800
Revision 49 (2020-12-05)
Warlord Rage<br /> - Base health regeneration increased by 47% to 110/s
Revision 48 (2020-12-05)
Adrenaline<br /> - Damage reduction increased to 70%<br /> <br /> Krogan Warlord Heavy Melee<br /> - Impact Area increased to 4m<br /> - Max number of pawns affected increased to 99<br /> - Default impact force increased by 300n to 700n<br /> - Affects all enemies in a 360 radius<br /> <br /> Biotic Hammer<br /> - Base charge increased to 3<br /> - Base impact force increased to 300n<br /> - Slam radius increased to 10m<br /> - Hits all enemies within range<br /> - Reduced impact force bonus in rank 3 to 5%; rank 4a and 6a evolutions grant force bonuses of 10% to each evolution
Revision 47 (2020-12-05)
Dark channel<br /> - Damage Per Second increased to 80% for rank 4a and 6a evolutions, bonuses to armor/barriers reduced to 50%
Revision 46 (2020-12-05)
Seeker Swarm<br /> - Damage Protection increased to 20% per swarm active
Revision 45 (2020-12-05)
Seeker Swarm<br /> - Base cooldown reduced to 18 seconds
Revision 44 (2020-12-05)
Dark Sphere<br /> - Base cooldown time reduced by 4 seconds to 20s
Revision 43 (2020-12-01)
Dark Channel<br /> - Movement speed penalty in rank 5a increased to 50%<br /> <br /> Supply Pylon<br /> - Delay between ammo production decreased to 12 seconds at rank 1<br /> - Delay between grenade production decreased to 12 seconds at rank 1<br /> - Increased Power and Weapon Damage buff to 25% when near supply pylon
Revision 42 (2020-12-01)
Bloodpack Punisher<br /> - Every third round is armor piercing<br /> - Reduced damage bonuses, recoil negatives and aiming negatives to 2x base stats
Revision 41 (2020-12-01)
Tactical Cloak<br /> - Time extended to 7 seconds at base, 15 seconds at 4a evolution<br /> <br /> Smash<br /> - Initial radius increased to 4.5m<br /> - Force increased to 600n<br /> - Increased amount of pawns affected to 3 at base<br /> <br /> Smash Shockwave<br /> - Range increased to 20m<br /> <br /> Carnage<br /> - Damage Over Time duration increased to 8 seconds<br /> - Damage Over Time damage increased to 110% base damage
Revision 40 (2020-11-29)
Warp<br /> - Increased bonus damage to armor and barriers to 150% in rank 6a evolution<br /> - Increased damage duration to 15 seconds<br /> <br /> Dark Channel<br /> - Increased damage boost in rank 4a and 6a to 50% per
Revision 39 (2020-11-29)
Warp<br /> - Increased bonus damage to armor and barriers to 100% in rank 6a evolution
Revision 38 (2020-11-29)
Dark Channel <br /> - Base damage increased by 280%<br /> <br /> Warp<br /> - Total damage over time is 110% of base damage in rank 5a evolution<br /> - 2m impact radius added at rank 0, Rank 3 increases radius by 50%
Revision 37 (2020-11-28)
Cobra missile upgrade in Hawk Missile Launcher radius increases blast radius by 2000%
Revision 36 (2020-11-28)
-Reset all gear bonuses back to their default values except for adrenaline modules<br /> <br /> -Rank 1, 2, 3 adrenaline modules increase speed in 10 percent increments according to their rank<br /> <br /> Dark Channel<br /> - Base damage increased by 240%<br /> <br /> Warp<br /> - Base damage increased by 200%<br /> - Weapon and Power damage bonuses from warp evolution 5b increased to 25%<br /> - Damage Over Time in rank 5a evolution increased to 100% additional damage <br /> <br /> N7 Slayer<br /> - Light melee damage increased to 450<br /> - Heavy melee increased to 800
Revision 35 (2020-11-28)
Dark Channel<br /> - Base damage increased by 80%<br /> <br /> Warp<br /> - Base damage increased by 240%<br /> - Weapon and Power bonuses from warp increased to 25%<br /> <br /> N7 Slayer<br /> - Light melee damage increased to 450<br /> - Heavy melee increased to 800
Revision 34 (2020-11-28)
Dark Channel<br /> - Base damage increased by 40%<br /> <br /> Warp<br /> - Base damage increased by 80%
Revision 33 (2020-11-28)
Weapons Update<br /> <br /> All past weapon changes reset to default<br /> New changes are as follows:<br /> <br /> Prothean Particle Rifle<br /> - Spool-up time removed, weapon fires at full power from the first shot<br /> - Recharge rate increased from 0.35 to 0.5<br /> <br /> Geth Minigun<br /> - Base damage increased by 25%<br /> <br /> M7 Arguns<br /> - Refire time decreased to .2 seconds between bursts<br /> <br /> M7 Lancer<br /> - Recharge rate increased to 0.45<br /> <br /> M76 Revenant<br /> - Base damage increased by 20%<br /> <br /> N7 Typhoon<br /> - Base damage increased by 30%<br /> <br /> Blood Pack Punisher<br /> - Every round is armor piercing<br /> <br /> Graal Spike Thrower<br /> - Damage Over Time Increased to 10 seconds<br /> - Base damage increased by 30 percent<br /> - Max charge time reduced to 1 second<br /> <br /> Reegar Carbine<br /> - Spare ammo increased to 110 rounds at rank 10<br /> <br /> M-11 Suppressor<br /> - Spare ammo doubled to 60 rounds at rank 10
Revision 32 (2020-11-27)
N7 Destroyer changes<br /> <br /> - Slightly lowered health bonuses from 26% to 25% at rank 4b and 6b evolution<br /> - Heavy melee impact force increased to 1050 newtons<br /> - Light melee impact force increased to 500 newtons<br /> <br /> Multifrag Grenade<br /> - Explosion radius increased to 6m<br /> - Grenade base capacity increased by 4 at bonus rank 2<br /> - 1 additional grenade launched with 6a evolution to bring total grenades launched to 6<br /> <br /> Hawk Missile launcher<br /> - Hydra missiles on rank 6a evolution launch 8 missiles instead of two<br /> - Target conal radius increased to 180 degrees for high AOA<br /> - Extra target search radius increased to 400m<br /> - Stinger missile now has 10m explosion radius<br /> <br /> Devastator Mode<br /> - Damage bonuses are as follows in devastator mode: 15%, 15%, 10%<br /> - Weapon accuracy bonus increased to 40%<br /> <br /> Volus Adept<br /> - Orb cooldown reduced from 24 to 18 seconds<br /> <br /> Cluster Grenades<br /> - Increased extra grenades capacity from 1 to 2 at rank 2.<br /> <br /> N7 Sentinel<br /> - Shield health increased to 6000<br /> - Cryoshield Chill delay reduced to 0.1 seconds, chill duration increased to 10 seconds<br /> <br /> Smash<br /> - Increased max amount of pawns struck to 3<br /> <br /> Smash shockwave<br /> - Range increased to 14m<br /> <br /> Biotic Explosions<br /> - Power combo priming duration increased from 1 to 5 seconds at base<br /> <br /> Cerberus Male Soldiers (Adept and Phoenix)<br /> - Health boosts increased to 50% in rank 1, 50% to rank 2, 25% in rank 4b and 6b<br /> <br /> N7 Slayer<br /> - Health boosts at ranks 1 and 2 increased to 50% per rank<br /> - Martial Artist rank 5a duration doubled to 60 seconds<br /> - Killing an enemy by heavy attack increases all attack damage by 125%<br /> <br /> Geth Juggernaut<br /> - 4a evolution for team damage boost increased to 30%<br /> - Friendlies radius check increased to 15m<br /> - Enemies killed by heavy melee speed boost increased to 30%<br /> - Enemies killed by heavy melee speed boost duration increased to 30 seconds<br /> - Heavy melee damage reduction increased to 65%<br /> - Light melee hits all pawns in a 360 degree radius<br /> - Light melee impact radius increased to 4m
Revision 31 (2020-11-17)
-Turret deployed by players flamer damage increased by 150%
Revision 30 (2020-11-17)
-increased window for priming on incinerate from 3 to 5 seconds
Revision 28 (2020-11-13)
11/13/2020<br /> <br /> III. Combat<br /> <br /> N7 Destroyer<br /> - Grenade capacity revised to 4 at rank 2. Rank 5a evolution increases grenade capacity by 2 to a maximum of 6.<br /> - Hawk missile launcher fires 8 missiles, range is quadrupled to 40m search radius.<br /> - Grenade explosion radius increased to 6m.<br /> <br /> Arc Grenade <br /> - Base carry capacity at rank 1 is 2, rank 2 upgrades carry capacity to 4. Rank 5a gives max grenades to 6.<br /> <br /> Level design<br /> - All ammo refill box times reduced to 10 seconds at base.
Revision 24 (2020-11-13)
N7 Destroyer<br /> - Grenade capacity revised to 4 at rank 2. Rank 5a evolution increases grenade capacity by 4 to a maximum of 8.
Revision 20 (2020-11-13)
- N7 Sentinel Health greatly increased per evolution
Revision 19 (2020-11-13)
- Spitfire damage doubled<br /> - Prothean Particle rifle damage doubled<br /> - Prothean Particle rifle charge up time removed<br /> - Max range doubled to 8000cm<br /> - M76 Revenant Lv. 1 damage increased by 30%<br /> - M55 Argus refire time halved<br /> - M7 Lancer recharge rate increased by 10%<br /> - M15 Vindicator refire time reduced to 0.05 seconds<br /> - N7 Typhoon Damage doubled<br /> - Blood Pack Punisher - every shot now has armor-piercing rounds<br /> - M25 Hornet damage increased by 30%<br /> - Graal Shotgun Damage Over Time increased to 5 seconds<br /> - Graal Shotgun Damage Increased by 30%<br /> - Graal Shotgun Damage Max charge time reduced to 1 second<br /> <br /> - Adrenaline I, II and III increase player speed by 10, 20 and 30% respectively
Revision 18 (2020-11-11)
- Spitfire damage doubled<br /> - Prothean Particle rifle damage tripled<br /> - Prothean Particle rifle charge up time removed<br /> - Max range doubled to 8000cm<br /> - M76 Revenant Lv. 1 damage doubled, Lv. 10 damage tripled<br /> - M55 Argus refire time halved<br /> - M7 Lancer recharge rate increased by 10%<br /> - M15 Vindicator refire time reduced to 0.05 seconds<br /> - N7 Typhoon Damage doubled<br /> - Blood Pack Punisher - every shot now has armor-piercing rounds<br /> - M25 Hornet damage increased by 30%<br /> - Graal Shotgun Damage Over Time increased to 5 seconds<br /> - Graal Shotgun Damage Increased by 30%
Revision 17 (2020-11-10)
Too many changes to list here, downloda changelog from my mediafire here. A couple of changes are as follows:<br /> <br /> Hawk Missile Launcher<br /> - doubled number of shoulder-launched missiles on n7 destroyer to 4<br /> - increased search cone radius to 160 degrees<br /> <br /> Combat drone<br /> - Shock cooldown cut to 3 seconds<br /> - Shock radius increased to 4m<br /> - Drone rocket damage and blast radius doubled<br /> - Base damage tripled to 120<br /> <br /> Full changelog here:
Revision 16 (2020-11-10)
0.1a - Included fixes to nonsensical gameplay mechanic.
Revision 8 (2019-10-12)
-Removed JuggySyncAll Mixin
Wave compositions
Hover over each cell in the table to view the wave composition. Cells labelled as BAD indicate clients will not be able to see at least one of the enemies. Cells with stripes indicate that the wave was modified since Genesis.
This mod allows up to 8 enemies on the field at a time. Up to 2 enemies can be aggressive while berserk mode is not enabled.
Cerberus wave compositions/invisible enemy waves | |||||||||||
Difficulty | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 |
Bronze | OK | OK | OK | OK | OK | OK | OK | OK | OK | OK | OK |
Silver | OK | OK | OK | OK | OK | OK | OK | OK | OK | OK | OK |
Gold | OK | OK | OK | OK | OK | OK | OK | OK | OK | OK | OK |
Platinum | OK | OK | OK | OK | OK | OK | OK | OK | OK | OK | OK |
Geth wave compositions/invisible enemy waves | |||||||||||
Difficulty | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 |
Bronze | OK | OK | OK | OK | OK | OK | OK | OK | OK | OK | OK |
Silver | OK | OK | OK | OK | OK | OK | OK | OK | OK | OK | OK |
Gold | OK | OK | OK | OK | OK | OK | OK | OK | OK | OK | OK |
Platinum | OK | OK | OK | OK | OK | OK | OK | OK | OK | OK | OK |
Reaper wave compositions/invisible enemy waves | |||||||||||
Difficulty | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 |
Bronze | OK | OK | OK | OK | OK | OK | OK | OK | OK | OK | OK |
Silver | OK | OK | OK | OK | OK | OK | OK | OK | OK | OK | OK |
Gold | OK | OK | OK | OK | OK | OK | OK | OK | OK | OK | OK |
Platinum | OK | OK | OK | OK | OK | OK | OK | OK | OK | OK | OK |
Collector wave compositions/invisible enemy waves | |||||||||||
Difficulty | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 |
Bronze | OK | OK | OK | OK | OK | OK | OK | OK | OK | OK | OK |
Silver | OK | OK | OK | OK | OK | OK | OK | OK | OK | OK | OK |
Gold | OK | OK | OK | OK | OK | OK | OK | OK | OK | OK | OK |
Platinum | OK | OK | OK | OK | OK | OK | OK | OK | OK | OK | OK |
Pay Table
Time bonuses are scaled down after a certain threshhold for each objective is hit. Complete objectives quickly to get the full bonus.
Pay table | |||||
Difficulty/Task | Wave 3 | Wave 6 | Wave 10 | Extraction | Total |
Bronze Objectives | 1875 | 4375 | 6250 | 1675 | ~17301 |
Bronze Time Bonuses | 469 | 1094 | 1563 | N/A | |
Silver Objectives | 3750 | 8750 | 12500 | 3125 | ~34376 |
Silver Time Bonuses | 938 | 2188 | 3125 | N/A | |
Gold Objectives | 9000 | 21000 | 30000 | 7500 | ~82500 |
Gold Time Bonuses | 2250 | 5250 | 7500 | N/A | |
Platinum Objectives | 16500 | 38500 | 55000 | 13750 | ~151250 |
Platinum Time Bonuses | 4125 | 9625 | 13750 | N/A |
Enemy Costs and Wave Budgets
Enemy Unit Costs | |||
Assault Trooper | 20 | Cannibal | 25 |
Centurion | 30 | Marauder | 35 |
Engineer | 40 | Brute | 70 |
Nemesis | 40 | Husk | 10 |
Guardian | 40 | Ravager | 60 |
Dragoon | 70 | Banshee | 100 |
Phantom | 80 | Collector Trooper | 25 |
Atlas | 100 | Collector Captain | 35 |
Geth Trooper | 20 | Abomination | 40 |
Rocket Trooper | 40 | Scion | 75 |
Geth Hunter | 40 | Praetorian | 120 |
Geth Pyro | 40 | Original Atlas | 100 |
Geth Bomber | 30 | Original Geth Pyro | 40 |
Geth Prime | 100 | Original Cannibal | 35 |
Original Marauder | 100 | Original Banshee | 100 |
Original Geth Prime | 100 | Original Phantom | 80 |
Wave Budget Table | |||||||||||
Difficulty | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 |
Bronze | 240 | 271 | ∞ | 333 | 364 | ∞ | 426 | 457 | 488 | ∞ | 550 |
Silver | 400 | 460 | ∞ | 580 | 640 | ∞ | 760 | 820 | 880 | ∞ | 1000 |
Gold | 600 | 720 | ∞ | 960 | 1080 | ∞ | 1320 | 1440 | 1560 | ∞ | 1800 |
Platinum | 900 | 1010 | ∞ | 1230 | 1340 | ∞ | 1560 | 1670 | 1780 | ∞ | 2000 |
Recommended MixIns
The author of this mod has specified that the following MixIns are advertised for installation when the mod is downloaded.
- 1 Vote Kick v4
- Abomination - Explosion DoT All v3
- Dominate - Dominate Everything v3
- Dominate - Full Reaper Domination v3
- Everyone Attacks Pets v6
- Medigel Transmitter - Dead Rising v3
- Pizza - Power Pizza v4
- Pizza - Speedy Pizza v4
- Pizza - Stealthy Pizza v4
- Ragdoll Armor - Geth Bomber MP v3
- Ragdoll Dragoon MP v3
- Ragdoll Geth Pyro MP v5
- Sabotage - Extending Hack v4
- Singularity - Allow Players In Field v5
- Singularity - Restore 6A Expansion v5
- Sniper Rifles - No NoScope Penalty v4
Dynamic MixIns
The author of this mod has configured the following Dynamic MixIns:
- Ammo Container - Respawn Time: 10
- Grenade Container - Respawn Time: 10
- Supply Pylon - Base Time Between Ammo Resupply: 15
- Supply Pylon - Base Time Between Ammo Resupply Rank 3: 0.15
- Supply Pylon - Base Time Between Grenade Resupply: 2
- Supply Pylon - Base Time Between Grenade Resupply Rank 3: 0.15
- Supply Pylon - Power Damage Bonus Rank 5B: 0.15
- Supply Pylon - Weapon Damage Bonus Rank 5A: 0.15
- Collector Adept- Ascension Duration: 30
- Supply Pylon - Ammo Frequency Lockout
- Supply Pylon - Grenade Frequency Lockout
- Supply Pylon - Power Damage Buff Lockout
- Supply Pylon - Weapon Damage Buff Lockout
- Collector Adept- Ascension Duration Balance Change Lockout
Required DLC
This mod requires the following DLC to install:
- Resurgence
- Rebellion
- Earth
- Retaliation
- Reckoning
- Mass Effect 3 MP Balance Changes Patch 2 (PATCH2)
- Binkw32 DLC Bypass (ASI Version) + Balance Changes Replacer ASI
MixIns may require additional DLC. They are not required but are strongly recommended as the mod will not behave as designed without them.
Fork tree