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DEFUNCT! With (skilled) players for Gold and Plat being hard to find, I've decided to create this mod to balance the game for lone wolves.
Mod Info Fork this modDefunct Mod by UltimateSpinDash. Changes some enemies to focus them more on an aspect, making some less OP and buffing others, as well as buffing some consumables, to deliver an improved experience.
Mod Info Fork this modDEFUNCT! Horde Mod gets personal. An enemy is stalking you, your job is to get rid of it.
Mod Info Fork this modIt's Beta's mod. Re-enables cut content, but not unfinished maps. Includes some balance and QoL changes to make my Darling happy. *R5 temporarily enables unfinished maps - we're testing.
Mod Info Fork this modIncludes additional content: - Battlefield 3 Infiltrator - Chakram Launcher - Vibration Damper - Polonium Rounds Does not include extra Maps and Crates. Does not modify maps or enemies.
Mod Info Fork this modSabotage, Bloodlust, Barrier, Flamer & Tech Hammer Buffs. Katana & M-11 Suppressor Buffs 3x Assassination objectives (1 target) Slightly more credits
Mod Info Fork this modVarious small tweaks meant for solo play- I am making this mostly for my own enjoyment. That is to say- this is meant to be very relaxing, and completely unbalanced.
Mod Info Fork this modWhy not more ammo and better upgrades but Further tweaked neglected items too
Mod Info Fork this modWIP - a test of my own mod as I have modified the following (by @xxlaynaasilentix)
Mod Info Fork this modMODIFIED THE FOLLOWING: N7 Valiant, Widow, M-7 Lancer, Prothean Particle Rifle, AT-12 Raider, N7 Piranha, Acolyte, Executioner Pistol, Cyclonic Modulator and Power Amplifier Module.
Mod Info Fork this modIn this mod this polishes the game up and includes mixed factions with each difficulty as well as more payout. Also the weapons & abilities and fitness (for some characters) have been polished.
Mod Info Fork this modThis mod consists of Multiplayer Reborn but just adds Diamond Difficulty and more payout for it.
Mod Info Fork this modThis mod unlocks all the extra content that BioWare never released but left in the game. More maps, more guns, more gear, more consumables, more wavelists, more store items.
Mod Info Fork this modAll weapons always do rank 10/X damage, even if they arent grinded/leveled up to it yet. Max. enemy count is reduced to 6 (from 8). Credits doubled. In my defense, I made this mod for a friend...
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