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Increased stats by 0.3 of all consumables. Removed Battlefield Infiltrator, Chakram Launcher, Polonium Rounds, and Vibration Damper. EVERYTHING else left untouched
Mod Info Fork this modcertain weapons and characters changed for fun and testing for my own amusment
Mod Info Fork this modConsumables are buffed for Multiplayer. Level 1 items are set at 0.5 then increases 0.5 per level. Everything else is left untouched. Excellent for solo runs just remember to host and have fun.
Mod Info Fork this modIncreases credit rewards, but not in an insane manner, halved enemy hp for playing with a single friend
Mod Info Fork this modI am not creative and literally just want more credits for running their content than what they want to give me.
Mod Info Fork this modEdited the cooldowns of every possible power/ability, and buffed all available shield and health options.
Mod Info Fork this modIncreases credit rewards, but not in an insane manner, makes game easier for non cookie-cutter solo runs
Mod Info Fork this modMissions are modified to avoid devices that are insane when playing solo on glacier/white.
Mod Info Fork this modIncreases the tempo of both SP and MP. Always replace Coalesced.bin with file updated at
Mod Info Fork this modThis mod aims to increase the action in the MP scene by adding more enemies and better powers! B/S/G/P! Meant for stronger PC's
Mod Info Fork this modAdding more of the default critters and extra payout to the Bronze and silver Waves, and upping the power of the first tier consumables. Overload and Arc Grenades will be better.
Mod Info Fork this modMix enemies from all factions in gold and silver. Some powers are also buffed. Some enemies are slightly adjusted for balance.
Mod Info Fork this mod500k credit/90 sec. Select Cerb. or Reapers on Bronze. Improved Hunter Mode, 500m penetration on all guns, or just camp w/ AField. All but the obj. waves are skipped. Based on xzenocrimzie's mod.
Mod Info Fork this modUsernames ME3MP players should be aware of. Email regarding the details of users. PS: Mod is for news purpose only and is genesis.
Mod Info Fork this modAdjusts combat for a more enjoyable experience. Will be continually updated, changelogs in the description. This mod is not meant to be played on anything below gold-level.
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