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||INTENSE FIREFIGHT|| Bug free version of legacy **100 Enemies Mod**. Health, Shield, Barrier, Armor of all (players/enemies) are UNCHANGED. +200% reward. GOLD & PLATINUM. FULL TEAM REQUIRED.
Mod Info Fork this modReach to the extraction point through a firefight at a highest challenge level to find out if you are a TRUE N7! Now AVAILABLE for challenge level: BRONZE to PLATINUM.
▶ Video Mod Info Fork this modThis mod contains experimental mixins that aren't always available to be used in ModMaker. If you want to try out crazy, possibly game breaking stuff, you can try this mod!
Mod Info Fork this modXP & Cash farmer. Single type troops 70 on field/100+ per wave. Faster game speed. Assassin objective only. Original Reaper: 7th faction = Zombies only.
Mod Info Fork this mod[99] Zombie Mod. 2018.12.21. Changed payout to B/S/G/P 300K/400k/500K/500K, cuz you need millions to unlock all. Opening spectre packs alone takes few hours not to mention earning all that money.
Mod Info Fork this modNo startup movie, no Hazard Dagger, no normal Reactor, 10% chance of devices, No Shotgun latency
Mod Info Fork this modBuffs to some of the common and uncommon weapons and some rage timer edits for the Krogan.
Mod Info Fork this modbuffing some underused weapons and the Krogan passives. Mod failed DO NOT INSTALL
Mod Info Fork this moda mod that apply different buff/nerf and wave edit to make a gameplay based on the use of melee and dodge
Mod Info Fork this moda mod with all vanilla data, to put the game back to normal, without having to uninstall the mods
Mod Info Fork this modThis mod will give you a chance to kill enemies by one shot on platinum and get more credits and more experience points.
Mod Info Fork this modbuff the avenger damage (about 10 times more) and the falcon damage (more than 12 times more)
Mod Info Fork this modbuffing the heavy melee of the batarian characters (about 90 times more damage) + buff the damage of the javelin (about 10 times more damage)
Mod Info Fork this modNo startup movie, no Hazard Dagger/Ghost/Glacier, no normal Reactor, 40/40% Escort/Packages, 10/10% Targets/Upload, no shotgun latency
Mod Info Fork this modNo startup movie, 100% Packages, no shotgun latency, Original Glacier and White included
Mod Info Fork this modNo startup movie, no Hazard Dagger/Ghost/Glacier, no devices, and all waves on Platinum Reapers are 4 brutes, abominations and banshees, or Nemesis at a time
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