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This mod unlocks all the extra content that BioWare never released but left in the game. More maps, more guns, more gear, more consumables, more wavelists, more store items.
Mod Info Fork this mod500k credit/90 sec. Select Cerb. or Reapers on Bronze. Improved Hunter Mode, 500m penetration on all guns, or just camp w/ AField. All but the obj. waves are skipped. Based on xzenocrimzie's mod.
Mod Info Fork this modA mess of a mod created for lulz, effects are all centred on geth juggernaut.
Mod Info Fork this modMinor tweaks that strive to improve general game balance while giving it a slightly fresh feel. - Buffs weak powers & weapons! - Run with the pizza box! - No lame sync kills! - All difficulties!
Mod Info Fork this modThis mod is highly unbalanced and makes the game far too easy. It was created for the sole purpose of testing and playing around with ModMaker. You have been warned.
Mod Info Fork this mod500k credit/90 sec. Select Cerb. or Reapers on Bronze. Improved Hunter Mode, 500m penetration on all guns, or just camp w/ AField. All but the obj. waves are skipped. Based on xzenocrimzie's mod.
Mod Info Fork this modFork of my Ultimate Farming mod (2140). Same, but different. All waves except objective waves are skipped.
Mod Info Fork this modJust some experimentation with overpowered DLC powers physical force for a bit of a ragdoll fun.
Mod Info Fork this modSlayer makes every wave an "Assassination" objective wave. Kill your marks as quickly as possible to earn your credits! Tweaks wavelist spawns.
Mod Info Fork this modCrazy King makes every wave a "hack" objective wave. Hold out as long as you can to earn your credits! Very chance of other types of objectives. Tweaks wavelist spawns.
Mod Info Fork this modLots of husks/abominations and more. Balanced for Gold. All powers balanced for more impacts. Payout increased for extra work. Vigorously tested for fun. Requires a moderate to high-end system.
Mod Info Fork this modV1.4.6/ Platinum/C/G/R/C/I've changed a lot of options for harder platinum game. I've boosted properly some consumables, You can win 225 000 max credits now.
Mod Info Fork this modOnly spawn phantoms, banshees, and praetorians, 1 at a time to demonstrate how to kill them.
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