ME3Tweaks ModMaker

Mods by VodeAn

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4 mods published

Ultimate Farming

2140 ModMaker Code

This mod is highly unbalanced and makes the game far too easy. It was created for the sole purpose of testing and playing around with ModMaker. You have been warned.

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Created by VodeAn Revision 23 2018-11-10

Ultimate Credit Farming

5008 ModMaker Code

Fork of my Ultimate Farming mod (2140). Same, but different. All waves except objective waves are skipped.

Mod Info Fork this mod
Created by VodeAn Revision 8 2018-11-10

Credit Farm Test

5009 ModMaker Code

500k credit/90 sec. Select Cerb. or Reapers on Bronze. Improved Hunter Mode, 500m penetration on all guns, or just camp w/ AField. All but the obj. waves are skipped. Based on xzenocrimzie's mod.

Mod Info Fork this mod
Created by VodeAn Revision 1 2018-11-10

Ultimate Farming 2

2169 ModMaker Code

This mod is an updated version of my Ultimate Farming mod, re-published because of download problems.

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Created by VodeAn Revision 1 2016-02-25