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Only Zombies (for gold Cerberus only now) Requires a moderate to high-end system.
Mod Info Fork this modWith (skilled) players for Gold and Plat being hard to find, I've decided to create this mod to balance the game for lone wolves.
Mod Info Fork this modSome biotic powers are op (as they should be!). Oh and there are some tech powers with increased damage too.
Mod Info Fork this modv1.2 Roughly doubled Cerberus health/armor/shields Bronze-Silver. Player shield/health gates higher. Phoenix fitness, bloodrage, barrier, blade armor amped for testing.
Mod Info Fork this modMade all of the powers(ALL OF THEM) %20 more effective. For real it took forever, use it!
Mod Info Fork this modThis mod unlocks all the extra content that BioWare never released but left in the game. More maps, more guns, more gear, more consumables, more wavelists, more store items.
Mod Info Fork this modEdit of Visceral Combat made with the purpose of retaining the increased speed of the mod, but to also alter certain mechanics of the game to make it less obnoxious to play.
Mod Info Fork this modA whole lot of adjustments for all player weapons, more befitting a galactic hero with elite training who doesn't shoot like he just discovered guns. V3 standardizes weapon weights. Also balanced guns
Mod Info Fork this moda mod with all vanilla data, to put the game back to normal, without having to uninstall the mods
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