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17 mods published
Collector Bronze is Zombies. Lowered chance of assassination objective to 10%. Made Biotic powers have more force and knockdown effect. Weapons with low spare ammo have had spare ammo increased.
Mod Info Fork this modVarious changes, objective tweaks, less likely to get assassination objective, various weapons tweaks.
Mod Info Fork this modMainly a singleplayer mod, adjusting some weapon weights so you can have more weapons on your person.
Mod Info Fork this modCollector Bronze will give massive points to you. Reaper Bronze will be ZOMBIES Gamemode, enjoy. Various shotgun changes. Enemies no longer invisible to clients. v1.6
Mod Info Fork this modGet more bang for drop tables tweaked up to Gold. Some weapon and power changes.
Mod Info Fork this modHawk Missile Launcher, Siege Pulse, Geth turret modified; Blood Pack Punisher accuracy modified.
Mod Info Fork this modN7 Destroyer Soldier now has a Railgun type thing instead of a missle launcher with the Hydra Missle Upgrade.
Mod Info Fork this modSet Reaper Bronze for zombie style. Set Collecter Bronze to try and make a bad day, into a good day. Cheers!!
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