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My own mod I made for testing heavy WIP, just about every weapon has been adjusted to make them more usable/enjoyable, multiple power tweaks across the board. NOTHING OUTRAGOUS just a refresh
Mod Info Fork this modFocus incoming matches on accomplishing objectives! You'll earn double credits for doing harder-than-usual objectives. See Mod Info for details. PS. Countdown for Extration is only 30 seconds!
Mod Info Fork this modv0.07 Early concept (Currently only on Bronze) Cerberus engineers have been working hard in the lab. Now they're out field testing.
Mod Info Fork this modThis mod includes the Multiplayer Reborn Mod but this mod changes the actual wavelist and rebalances enemies 1-3 unit is on the field 16 units on the field
Mod Info Fork this modBetter explosive, cryo, disruptor ammo. AoE powers hit more targets, more cluster nades for funsies. 1.5x credits. enemy cap changed from 8 to 12
Mod Info Fork this modAnihilate Firebases using Biotic superpowers easily. Detonate enemies and cause severe frame rate drops by the shere power of your abilities!
Mod Info Fork this modRemove 1234 OBJ, modify other values to increase speed of completion. Geared to solo MP.
Mod Info Fork this modSoftware upgrades for various components used by the Geth Juggernaut make it more effective in combat.
Mod Info Fork this modThanks to the amazing people on ME3tweaks community, i cloned a mod and buffed krogan warlord and avaliable sustainable powers as well as most passives
Mod Info Fork this modCosmetic tweaks. Some content unlocked. Rockets less effective. No sandstorm Dagger and normal Reactor.
Mod Info Fork this modBronze difficulty - 5 minutes round. Silver, Gold, Platinum unchanged. Credit payout: BR-350K, SI-400K, GO-450K, PL-500K.
Mod Info Fork this modDerp's first me3 mod. Wouldn't recommend downloading as I'm just messing around with the system.
Mod Info Fork this modA mod to make the geth abilities and weapons better, plus slight changes to other stuff. Publication note: some abilities such as prox. mine and marksmen were not editable. would have fixed
Mod Info Fork this modBoosts biotic and tech abilitys whilst reduceing grav by 25%, +50% enemys on screen Trial
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