Useful information about DLC mods in the scene for all three trilogy games
Choosing the correct mount priority will help make sure your mod gracefully degrades to other mods with a higher mount priority.
Data on this page is gathered from telemetry data users can send from Mod Manager. This data is not collected manually, but it is checked and prepared for proper use.
If you are making a mod that is strictly global texture or mesh changes, you should use Mass Effect Modder's .mem format for distribution, as it improves compatibility.
It's important to choose the right priority to from the start so you and other developers don't need to spend tons of time developing compatibility packs.
This database serves as an easy way to identify and locate mods, and powers the 'Third Party Identification Service' in Mod Manager.
Mods with lower priorites will have content overridden by ones that replace the same files in higher priorities.
Rows highlighted in red have a duplicate mount priority with at least one other DLC mod. Installing mods with the same priority at the same time will cause undefined behavior in the game engine.
Submit telemetry information for your DLC mod from Mod Manager's Mod Utils > Developer options menu and selecting 'Submit mod information to ME3Tweaks'.
Mod Name | Maintainer | DLC Folder Name | Mount Priority |
Tali Remastered ME1 | CreativeMachinima | DLC_MOD_TaliMasterME1 | 94 |
Kaidan and Ashley | moonknight1993 | DLC_MOD_KaidanAshleyOfficer | 83 |
Liara Blue Eyes | moonknight1993 | DLC_MOD_LiaraBlueEyes | 82 |
Saren Stages | Catachrism | DLC_MOD_Saren_Stages | 72 |
Polish Translations Pack | ConfidenTi | DLC_MOD_PolishTranslations | 71 |
Black Market License | 55tumbl | DLC_MOD_BlackMarket | 70 |
Fewer NPC Combat Barks | rondeeno | DLC_MOD_CombatBarks | 60 |
XP Rescale | 55tumbl | DLC_MOD_XPRS | 55 |
Essential Assignments | rondeeno | DLC_MOD_EssentialAssignments | 50 |
N7 MAKO | 55tumbl | DLC_MOD_N7MAKO | 45 |
Charted Worlds | 55tumbl | DLC_MOD_CHTW | 42 |
Keepers Finders | 55tumbl | DLC_MOD_KPRS | 41 |
Galaxy Map Trackers | 55tumbl | DLC_MOD_GMTS | 40 |
Replenish Grenades | Fus1onpanda | DLC_MOD_ReplenishGrenades | 35 |
Charm Intimidate Remover | fightinfears | DLC_MOD_Charm_Intimidate_Remover | 32 |
Casual Hubs for ME1 | rondeeno | DLC_MOD_CasualHubs | 30 |
Wrex Iconic Armor Consistency | Catachrism | DLC_MOD_Wrex_Iconic_Armor_Consistency | 29 |
Femshep Appearance Consistency Project | Anshela | DLC_MOD_FEM_APPR | 25 |
Ilos Rumble Fix | Herobrine24 | DLC_MOD_ILOSRUMBLE | 24 |
AMD Lighting Fix | Mgamerz | DLC_MOD_AMDLightingFix | 22 |
Same-Gender Romances for ME1 | rondeeno | DLC_MOD_SameGender | 15 |
Mass Effect Overwritten | hyperum | DLC_XMEOw | 14 |
Pinnacle Station Tweaks | Fus1onpanda | DLC_MOD_PinnacleTweaks | 12 |
Eden Prime Blue Sky | Khaar Machinima | DLC_MOD_EDEN | 11 |
Faster elevators | SirCxyrtyx | DLC_MOD_ELVTR | 10 |
Practical Initiative Armours | Jenya66 | DLC_MOD_PIA | 7 |
Engineer Adams Uniform | Jninja98 | DLC_MOD_Adams | 6 |
ME1 Recalibrated | Kinkojiro | DLC_MOD_ME1RE | 5 |
ME1 Russian Translation | Majahet | DLC_MOD_MERUS | 4 |
Pinnacle Station | BioWare Official | DLC_Vegas | 2 |
Bring Down the Sky | BioWare Official | DLC_UNC | 1 |
Items in this table are either no longer available or have been superseded and should not be considered as part of the main modding scene. They remain here for documentation purposes.
Mod Name | Maintainer | DLC Folder Name | Mount Priority |
ME1 Recalibrated | Kinkojiro | DLC_ME1RE | 5 |