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The weapons & abilities and fitness (for some characters) have been polished. This mod does not include changes to enemy waves, enemy balance, or enemy weapon changes.
Mod Info Fork this modStore: Chakram Launcher, Polonium Rounds, & Stability Dampener added. Maps: old White & Glacier added. Objectives: Prothean devices & Extraction added. Slight tweaks to AI.
Mod Info Fork this modUse Cerberus+Bronze=500K Waves only have 1 Enemy no other changes like extra content
Mod Info Fork this modLimit targets x1 and hacks fasters 3 enemies at once budget balanced Waves scaling randomizer
Mod Info Fork this mod50% 1 target, no Devices or others, optimized consumables, waves edited, randomized by faction and balanced pounds
Mod Info Fork this modEdited recoil to 0 on all weapons I could. Geth Jug and N7 Destroyer buffed. 5/22/2023
Mod Info Fork this modMODIFIED THE FOLLOWING: N7 Valiant, Widow, M-7 Lancer, Prothean Particle Rifle, AT-12 Raider, N7 Piranha, Acolyte, Executioner Pistol, Cyclonic Modulator and Power Amplifier Module.
Mod Info Fork this modThis is for to make transitioning from Multiplayer reborn, Diamond Reborn, Zombie reborn without reverting from your backup
Mod Info Fork this modsame as my previous little mod packet but now has an easier version of the cut content prothean artifact (only 1 to retrieve) and a little rework on other objective (only a bit easier)
Mod Info Fork this modsame as my previous little mod packet but now has an easier version of the cut content prothean artifact (only 1 to retrieve) and a little rework on other objective (only a bit easier)
Mod Info Fork this modMy own mod I made for testing heavy WIP, just about every weapon has been adjusted to make them more usable/enjoyable, multiple power tweaks across the board. NOTHING OUTRAGOUS just a refresh
Mod Info Fork this modShoot away with the Harrier! This mod brings you to the peak of human performance by enhancing the Harrier into god mode. It also improves powers and consumables
Mod Info Fork this modThis Mod unlocks all the items, weapons, characters etc. there were within the game's files. A fun little change of things but don't expect too much.
Mod Info Fork this modI would like to balance some powers used in MP to make the characters who use them more viable in difficulties above Bronze. And for fun! Intended use is for friends, but anyone can use it!
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