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General balance changes for the sake of longer, less-intensive solo-gameplay, Bronze difficulty only for now.
Mod Info Fork this modJust made some more changes to the Collector Adept's powers and some of the player pet powers like the Geth and Assault turret.
Mod Info Fork this modThis is just a mod with minor tweaks and mixins that I wanted to have available for my own use. Basically gets rid of some of the minor irritants of MP and includes a lot of the cut content.
Mod Info Fork this mod500k credit/90 sec. Select Cerb. or Reapers on Bronze. Improved Hunter Mode, 500m penetration on all guns, or just camp w/ AField. All but the obj. waves are skipped. Based on xzenocrimzie's mod.
Mod Info Fork this modA test of Modmaker for a small group of friends. More dudes, rebalanced guns for v1. V2 More gun balancing and minor ability tweaks
Mod Info Fork this modJust set Annihilator Field (N7 Fury or Asari Valkyrie) and camp extraction point. Guardians no longer appear on wave 6 Play against reapers on Platinum!
Mod Info Fork this modSuperpowered some abilities. Made Harrier 1 shot almost everything and increased clip size. Superpowered a few consumables
Mod Info Fork this modSoftware upgrades for various components used by the Geth Juggernaut make it more effective in combat.
Mod Info Fork this modThanks to the amazing people on ME3tweaks community, i cloned a mod and buffed krogan warlord and avaliable sustainable powers as well as most passives
Mod Info Fork this modSuperpowered some abilities. Made Harrier 1 shot almost everything and increased clip size. Superpowered a few consumables
Mod Info Fork this modJust 2 enemies for doing solos fast on platinum and getting platinum waves/extractions on bad maps. Take someone with Sabotage and just watch them kill each other.
Mod Info Fork this mod500k credit/90 sec. Select Cerb. or Reapers on Bronze. Improved Hunter Mode, 500m penetration on all guns, or just camp w/ AField. All but the obj. waves are skipped. Based on xzenocrimzie's mod.
Mod Info Fork this modThis mod unlocks all the extra content that BioWare never released but left in the game. This is a subset of the main full experience mod that removes the extra maps and prothean objective.
Mod Info Fork this mod500k credit/90 sec. Select Cerb. or Reapers on Bronze. Improved Hunter Mode, 500m penetration on all guns, or just camp w/ AField. All but the obj. waves are skipped. Based on xzenocrimzie's mod.
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