Files in depth

ME3Tweaks does not condone cheating in online multiplayer. This guide is for informational and educational purposes only.

This guide is not complete. It is still around for documentation purposes.

This page serves as a reference for the variables in the Coalesced.bin files of Mass Effect 3.

Table of Contents

These are the tools you will need to follow this guide:

You should review the Live Balance Changes coalesced file to find out what values will likely be overwritten. It is a DLC Coalesced.bin file, and it is best to use TankMaster's compiler to view it. Array properties can be overridden by your changes, as long as the top of the list does not have a type 1 (null) set. Items that are not in an array cannot be changed by you.

When an object name starts with a b. it typically signifies the variable is a boolean. Such as buseiterativepathfinding.


This is the file that controls enemy AI variables. Enemies consist of their character (e.g. Ravager) and their weapon object (e.g. Ravager Cannon). They are distinct objects in Coalesced. While the character object does the actual moving, the weapon does the actual firing, not the character.

Enemy weapons use the same weapon data as player weapons, so look at the table in the BioWeapon section. You can identify enemy weapons in BioAI because they contain the name sfxweapon.


SFXai is the AI system for enemies. The top level abstract object is sfxgame.sfxai_core, and the subitems are sfxgame.sfxai_henchman for allied AI and sfxgamecontent.sfxai_ENEMYNAME for the various enemies. Under the enemy sfxai objects, you can have a single variable that modifies their weapon, the rest are inherited.

Variable name Format Function Related variables in file
ai_burststofire X=int, Y=int Defines how many burstfirecount's to fire. X is the minimum, Y is the maximum.For example, the ravager shoots 1 burstoffire that has a burstfirecount set to 3.


This file lets you tweak many aspects of enemy AI such as timing between firing sequences, health, grenade cooldowns, etc. You can mod both singleplayer and multiplayer in this file, and there is no differences in the syntax.

Platinum difficulty is defined in MP3 - Earth DLC, and in the patches they are further refined. There are two real top level objects, sfxgame.sfxdifficultyhandler and sfxgamempcontent.sfxdifficultyhandlermp. As the names imply, this is difficulty data for singleplayer and multiplayer respectively.

The file is somewhat hard to read due to everything being on the same line - word wrap does not really help either. Make sure you edit carefully.

At the top of both the MP and SP section we have global data that affect the enemies to some degree. I do not mod singleplayer so I will not document it. The following tables document the objects in the difficulty arrays.


Variable name Format Effect
OutAIDamageScale X=float, Y=float Unknown
OutHenchDamageScale X=float, Y=float Unknown
HenchDamageTaken X=float, Y=float Unknown
AmmoDropPct X=float, Y=float Unknown
AmmoPct X=float, Y=float Ammo that is resupplied by a single thermal clip pack. X and Y values should be equal floats.
GrenadesPerDrop X=float, Y=float Grenades per "supply drop" into the ammo containers around the maps. X and Y values should be integer floats (e.g. 3.0f, 2.0f, 1.0f).
AIEnergyShieldGatePct X=float, Y=float Defines how much damage enemy shield gating will negate in terms of percent. X and Y values should be between 0 and 1. Note that having 1.0f shield gating with fast enemy shield recharge will disable slow firing weapons from being able to damage enemies.
AIArmorDamageReduction X=float, Y=float Defines how much damage enemy negate. X and Y values should be equal.
PlayerShieldRegenPct X=float, Y=float Defines how much shield will recharge for the player per second in terms of percent. X and Y values should be between 0 and 1.
PlayerShieldRegenDelayFromDestroyed X=float, Y=float Defines how much long a player must avoid damage after the shield has been destroyed before shield regeneration starts. X and Y are values in seconds should be equal.
PlayerShieldRegenDelayFromPartial X=float, Y=float Defines how much long a player must avoid damage before shield regeneration starts. This applies only if the shield was not broken. X and Y are values in seconds should be equal.
ReviveHealthReturn X=float, Y=float How much health (red bar) is restored to the player when they are revived. X and Y should be equal floats between 0 and 1 representing a percent. Defined already in MPGlobal - needs research
StoppingPowerScalar X=float, Y=float Defines the multiplier for weapon stopping power. The higher the stopping power, the more chance of staggering or stopping the current action. X and Y should be equal values.
CoverDamageReduction X=float, Y=float Defines the reduction of damage if you are behind cover and still get hit. X and Y should be equal floats between 0.0f and 1.0f.
GlobalEnemyGrenadeCooldown X=float, Y=float Defines the cooldown time between grenade tosses between all enemies in terms of seconds. Enemies have their own pawn-specific countdown timers as well, though this can supercede it. X and Y values should be equal floats.
NoCoverDamageBonus X=float, Y=float Gives a bonus when damage is dealt to a target not behind cover. X and Y values should be equal floats between 0.0f and 1.0f. Unsure if it applies to allies or enemies
ReviveDamageReductionLength X=float, Y=float Defines how long after being revived you will have a damage reduction in seconds. X and Y values should be equal floats.
ReviveDamageReductionAmount X=float, Y=float Defines the damage reduction during the phase directly following a revive, in terms of percent. X and Y values should be equal floats between 0.0f and 1.0f. Low values will make it very difficult to survive after revive.
PlayerShieldGateDuration X=float, Y=float Defines how long a player will stay in the shield gate phase. X and Y values should be equal floats.
PlayerHealthGateDuration X=float, Y=float Defines how long a player will stay in the critical health gate phase. X and Y values should be equal floats.


Variable name Format Effect
AmmoRefillOnWaveEnd X=float, Y=float Defines how much ammo is resupplied to players when a wave finishes. It is a float percent between 0 and 1 and both X and Y should be equal
ObjectiveCreditsReward X=float, Y=float Defines how many credits are awarded at the end of an objective. This is the base reward, it is multiplied on each objective completion and modified by the time bonus. X and Y should be equal integer based floats (e.g. 12000.0f, 14000.0f).
ReviveHealthReturn X=float Y=float How much health (red bar) is restored to the player when they are revived. X and Y should be equal floats between 0 and 1 representing a percent.
EndWaveHealthReturn X=float, Y=float How much health is given to the player when the wave ends. X and Y should be equal floats between 0 and 1 representing a percent.
SupplyDropStartIndex X=float, Y=float Unknown
DownedPlayersCheckFrequency X=float Y=float Unknown
DistanceFromDownedPlayer X=float, Y=float Unknown
AllowExecutionTime X=float, Y=float Unknown
DelayBeforeExecution X=float, Y=float Unknown
GlobalGameSpeed X=float, Y=float Game speed multiplier. Bronze difficulty is the baseline at 1. Higher difficulties have a slightly faster game speed to lower the acceptable reaction time of players. X and Y should be equal float values above 0.

Cerberus Assault Trooper (AssaultTrooper)

Variable name Format Effect
MeleeAttackInterval X=float, Y=float Sets a time on when an enemy can melee. This prevents it from endlessly meleeing when at close range. X and Y values should be equal floats.
CancelFirePct X=float, Y=float Unknown
MaxFireWaitTime X=float, Y=float Defines the maximum time range that an enemy can wait to fire at you. X and Y values can be different.
EvadeDamagePctLow X=float, Y=float Sets the minimum chance in percent that an enemy will dodge damage when it is able to do so. X and Y values can be different.
EvadeDamagePctHigh X=float, Y=float Sets the maximum chance in percent that an enemy will dodge damage when it is able to do so. X and Y values can be different.
EvadeFrequency X=float, Y=float Defines how often an enemy can evade in seconds, including damage and powers. X and Y values can be different.
EvadeResetDuration X=float, Y=float Unknown
PartialLeanPct X=float, Y=float Unknown
PowerEvadeChance X=float, Y=float Sets the chance that the enemy will evade a cast power if they are able to do so. X and Y values can be different.
FlankReactionTime X=float, Y=float Unknown
MaxHealth X=float, Y=float Defines the health for this unit. I beleive X is the minimum health of enemies spawned on wave 1, and Y is the maximum health of enemies spawned during extraction.
PowerThreshold_Standard X=float, Y=float Unknown
PowerThreshold_Stagger X=float, Y=float Sets the amount of force a power must have to stagger an enemy. X and Y values should be equal.
PowerThreshold_Knockback X=float, Y=float Sets the amount of force a power must have to knock an enemy back for a few seconds. X and Y values should be equal.
HitReactionChanceMultiplier X=float, Y=float Unknown
GrenadeInterval X=float, Y=float How often this unit can throw grenades. If the cooldown for grenades for this unit has been reached, the global grenade cooldown is checked. X and Y values should be the same.

Centurion (Centurion)

Variable name Format Effect
MeleeAttackInterval X=float, Y=float Sets a time on when an enemy can melee. This prevents it from endlessly meleeing when at close range. X and Y values should be equal floats.
CancelFirePct X=float, Y=float Unknown
MaxFireWaitTime X=float, Y=float Defines the maximum time range that an enemy can wait to fire at you. X and Y values can be different.
EvadeDamagePctLow X=float, Y=float Sets the minimum chance in percent that an enemy will dodge damage when it is able to do so. X and Y values can be different.
EvadeDamagePctHigh X=float, Y=float Sets the maximum chance in percent that an enemy will dodge damage when it is able to do so. X and Y values can be different.
EvadeFrequency X=float, Y=float Defines how often an enemy can evade in seconds, including damage and powers. X and Y values can be different.
EvadeResetDuration X=float, Y=float Unknown
PartialLeanPct X=float, Y=float Unknown
PowerEvadeChance X=float, Y=float Sets the chance that the enemy will evade a cast power if they are able to do so. X and Y values can be different.
FlankReactionTime X=float, Y=float Unknown
CoverMoveSmokeChance X=float, Y=float Defines the chance that a smoke grenade will be used when moving from cover to cover for this unit. It seems to depend on other factors as well.
FlankedSmokeChance X=float, Y=float Defines the chance that a smoke grenade will be used when this unit is flanked. It seems to depend on other factors as well.
SmokeFrequency X=float, Y=float Defines how long before a smoke grenade can be launched again from this unit.
GrenadeInterval X=float, Y=float How often this unit can throw grenades. If the cooldown for grenades for this unit has been reached, the global grenade cooldown is checked. X and Y values should be the same.
MaxHealth X=float, Y=float Defines the health for this unit. I beleive X is the minimum health of enemies spawned on wave 1, and Y is the maximum health of enemies spawned during extraction.
MaxShields X=float, Y=float Defines the shield health for this unit. I beleive X is the minimum shield of enemies spawned on wave 1, and Y is the maximum shield of enemies spawned during extraction.
MaxEnemyShieldRecharge X=float, Y=float Defines the amount of shield that can be recharged once a shield is depleted below that level. For example, .3 would mean that the shield cannot regen past 30% at any point.
AIShieldRegenDelay X=float, Y=float Defines the amount of time this unit must avoid damage before shields will begin to regenerate. X and Y values should be equal.
AIShieldRegenPct X=float, Y=float Defines the speed the enemy shield recharges in terms of percent per second. X and Y values should be equal.
PowerThreshold_Standard X=float, Y=float Unknown
PowerThreshold_Stagger X=float, Y=float Sets the amount of force a power must have to stagger an enemy. X and Y values should be equal.
PowerThreshold_Knockback X=float, Y=float Sets the amount of force a power must have to knock an enemy back for a few seconds. X and Y values should be equal.
HitReactionChanceMultiplier X=float, Y=float Unknown

Nemesis (Nemesis)

Variable name Format Effect
CancelFirePct X=float, Y=float Unknown
MaxFireWaitTime X=float, Y=float Defines the maximum time range that an enemy can wait to fire at you. X and Y values can be different.
EvadeDamagePctLow X=float, Y=float Sets the minimum chance in percent that an enemy will dodge damage when it is able to do so. X and Y values can be different.
EvadeDamagePctHigh X=float, Y=float Sets the maximum chance in percent that an enemy will dodge damage when it is able to do so. X and Y values can be different.
EvadeFrequency X=float, Y=float Defines how often an enemy can evade in seconds, including damage and powers. X and Y values can be different.
EvadeResetDuration X=float, Y=float Unknown
PartialLeanPct X=float, Y=float Unknown
PowerEvadeChance X=float, Y=float Sets the chance that the enemy will evade a cast power if they are able to do so. X and Y values can be different.
FlankReactionTime X=float, Y=float Unknown
NemesisAimDelay X=float, Y=float needs research - Defines how long the Nemesis looks down the scope when lasering.
AimTrackingDuration X=float, Y=float needs research - Defines how long the Nemesis laser stays up total.
MaxHealth X=float, Y=float Defines the health for this unit. I beleive X is the minimum health of enemies spawned on wave 1, and Y is the maximum health of enemies spawned during extraction.
MaxShields X=float, Y=float Defines the shield health for this unit. I beleive X is the minimum shield of enemies spawned on wave 1, and Y is the maximum shield of enemies spawned during extraction.
MaxEnemyShieldRecharge X=float, Y=float Defines the amount of shield that can be recharged once a shield is depleted below that level. For example, .3 would mean that the shield cannot regen past 30% at any point.
AIShieldRegenDelay X=float, Y=float Defines the amount of time this unit must avoid damage before shields will begin to regenerate. X and Y values should be equal.
AIShieldRegenPct X=float, Y=float Defines the speed the enemy shield recharges in terms of percent per second. X and Y values should be equal.
PowerThreshold_Standard X=float, Y=float Unknown
PowerThreshold_Stagger X=float, Y=float Sets the amount of force a power must have to stagger an enemy. X and Y values should be equal.
PowerThreshold_Knockback X=float, Y=float Sets the amount of force a power must have to knock an enemy back for a few seconds. X and Y values should be equal.
HitReactionChanceMultiplier X=float, Y=float Unknown

Engineer (Gunner)

Variable name Format Effect
CancelFirePct X=float, Y=float Unknown
MaxFireWaitTime X=float, Y=float Defines the maximum time range that an enemy can wait to fire at you. X and Y values can be different.
EvadeDamagePctLow X=float, Y=float Sets the minimum chance in percent that an enemy will dodge damage when it is able to do so. X and Y values can be different.
EvadeDamagePctHigh X=float, Y=float Sets the maximum chance in percent that an enemy will dodge damage when it is able to do so. X and Y values can be different.
EvadeFrequency X=float, Y=float Defines how often an enemy can evade in seconds, including damage and powers. X and Y values can be different.
EvadeResetDuration X=float, Y=float Unknown
PartialLeanPct X=float, Y=float Unknown
PowerEvadeChance X=float, Y=float Sets the chance that the enemy will evade a cast power if they are able to do so. X and Y values can be different.
FlankReactionTime X=float, Y=float Unknown
RepairPct X=float, Y=float Needs research Indicates either how much an engineer can repair an atlas/turret, or how low the health of one of these items must be to initiate repair.
MaxHealth X=float, Y=float Defines the health for this unit. I beleive X is the minimum health of enemies spawned on wave 1, and Y is the maximum health of enemies spawned during extraction.
MaxShields X=float, Y=float Defines the shield health for this unit. I beleive X is the minimum shield of enemies spawned on wave 1, and Y is the maximum shield of enemies spawned during extraction.
MaxEnemyShieldRecharge X=float, Y=float Defines the amount of shield that can be recharged once a shield is depleted below that level. For example, .3 would mean that the shield cannot regen past 30% at any point.
AIShieldRegenDelay X=float, Y=float Defines the amount of time this unit must avoid damage before shields will begin to regenerate. X and Y values should be equal.
AIShieldRegenPct X=float, Y=float Defines the speed the enemy shield recharges in terms of percent per second. X and Y values should be equal.
PowerThreshold_Standard X=float, Y=float Unknown
PowerThreshold_Stagger X=float, Y=float Sets the amount of force a power must have to stagger an enemy. X and Y values should be equal.
PowerThreshold_Knockback X=float, Y=float Sets the amount of force a power must have to knock an enemy back for a few seconds. X and Y values should be equal.
HitReactionChanceMultiplier X=float, Y=float Unknown

Engineer's Turret (GunnerTurret)

Variable name Format Effect
MaxHealth X=float, Y=float Defines the amount of armor health for this turret. I beleive X is the minimum health of a turret spawned on wave 1, and Y is the maximum health of a turret spawned during extraction.
MaxShields X=float, Y=float Defines the shield health for this turret. I beleive X is the minimum shield of a turret spawned on wave 1, and Y is the maximum shield of turret spawned during extraction.
MaxEnemyShieldRecharge X=float, Y=float Defines the amount of shield that can be recharged once a shield is depleted below that level. For example, .3 would mean that the shield cannot regen past 30% at any point.
AIShieldRegenDelay X=float, Y=float Defines the amount of time this turret must avoid damage before shields will begin to regenerate. X and Y values should be equal.
AIShieldRegenPct X=float, Y=float Defines the speed the turret shield recharges in terms of percent per second. X and Y values should be equal.
PowerThreshold_Standard X=float, Y=float Unknown for turret
PowerThreshold_Stagger X=float, Y=float Silly game, turrets can't be staggered!
PowerThreshold_Knockback X=float, Y=float Unknown for turret
HitReactionChanceMultiplier X=float, Y=float Unknown for turret

Guardian (Guardian)

Variable name Format Effect
MeleeAttackInterval X=float, Y=float Defines the cooldown for a melee attack (the gun slap).
CancelFirePct X=float, Y=float Unknown
MaxFireWaitTime X=float, Y=float Defines the maximum time range that an enemy can wait to fire at you. X and Y values can be different.
EvadeDamagePctLow X=float, Y=float Sets the minimum chance in percent that an enemy will dodge damage when it is able to do so. X and Y values can be different.
EvadeDamagePctHigh X=float, Y=float Sets the maximum chance in percent that an enemy will dodge damage when it is able to do so. X and Y values can be different.
EvadeFrequency X=float, Y=float Defines how often an enemy can evade in seconds, including damage and powers. X and Y values can be different.
EvadeResetDuration X=float, Y=float Unknown
PartialLeanPct X=float, Y=float Unknown
PowerEvadeChance X=float, Y=float Sets the chance that the enemy will evade a cast power if they are able to do so. X and Y values can be different.
FlankReactionTime X=float, Y=float Unknown
BreachFrequency X=float, Y=float Needs research Defines how often you can "breach" (knockback) the Guardian when it is shielded.
ShieldResetDuration X=float, Y=float Needs research Unknown
ShieldDamageBreachThreshold X=float, Y=float Needs research Unknown.
ShieldBashInterval X=float, Y=float Defines the cooldown time for the shield bash melee attack.
MaxHealth X=float, Y=float Defines the health for this unit. I beleive X is the minimum health of enemies spawned on wave 1, and Y is the maximum health of enemies spawned during extraction.
PowerThreshold_Standard X=float, Y=float Unknown
PowerThreshold_Stagger X=float, Y=float Sets the amount of force a power must have to stagger an enemy. X and Y values should be equal.
PowerThreshold_Knockback X=float, Y=float Sets the amount of force a power must have to knock an enemy back for a few seconds. X and Y values should be equal.
HitReactionChanceMultiplier X=float, Y=float Unknown

Phantom (Phantom)

The Phantom was updated in MP3 but kept the same Biodifficulty name.

Variable name Format Effect
CancelFirePct X=float, Y=float Unknown
MaxFireWaitTime X=float, Y=float Defines the maximum time range that an enemy can wait to fire at you. X and Y values can be different.
EvadeDamagePctLow X=float, Y=float Sets the minimum chance in percent that an enemy will dodge damage when it is able to do so. X and Y values can be different.
EvadeDamagePctHigh X=float, Y=float Sets the maximum chance in percent that an enemy will dodge damage when it is able to do so. X and Y values can be different.
EvadeFrequency X=float, Y=float Defines how often an enemy can evade in seconds, including damage and powers. X and Y values can be different.
EvadeResetDuration X=float, Y=float Unknown
ShieldDamageScalePct X=float, Y=float Defines how much damage reduction the barrier on the Phantom does against incoming damage.
PartialLeanPct X=float, Y=float Unknown
PowerEvadeChance X=float, Y=float Sets the chance that the enemy will evade a cast power if they are able to do so. X and Y values can be different.
FlankReactionTime X=float, Y=float Unknown
CloakHealthPct X=float, Y=float When the phantom is cloaked, this defines how the maxhealth of the phantom is scaled.
VortexDamageWindow X=float, Y=float What is Vortex? Is this the bubble shield? Defines how long the bubble shield for the Phantom stays up.
VortexFrequency X=float, Y=float What is Vortex? Is this the bubble shield? Defines the cooldown time for the bubble shield for the Phantom has.
ShieldFrequency X=float, Y=float Unknown
AggressiveFrequency X=float, Y=float Defines the cooldown for when the Phantom becomes aggressive and charges a player.
MeleeAttackInterval X=float, Y=float Defines the cooldown on phantom melee attacks.
SyncMeleeAttackInterval X=float, Y=float Defines the cooldown time for the Phantom's pre-synckill sword attack.
SyncKillChance X=float, Y=float Defines the chance that the phantom will perform a Sync-Kill if all other checks have passed.
MaxHealth X=float, Y=float Defines the health for this unit. I beleive X is the minimum health of enemies spawned on wave 1, and Y is the maximum health of enemies spawned during extraction.
MaxShields X=float, Y=float Defines the shield health for this unit. I beleive X is the minimum shield of enemies spawned on wave 1, and Y is the maximum shield of enemies spawned during extraction.
MaxEnemyShieldRecharge X=float, Y=float Defines the amount of shield that can be recharged once a shield is depleted below that level. For example, .3 would mean that the shield cannot regen past 30% at any point.
AIShieldRegenDelay X=float, Y=float Defines the amount of time this unit must avoid damage before shields will begin to regenerate. X and Y values should be equal.
AIShieldRegenPct X=float, Y=float Defines the speed the enemy shield recharges in terms of percent per second. X and Y values should be equal.
PowerThreshold_Standard X=float, Y=float Unknown
PowerThreshold_Stagger X=float, Y=float Sets the amount of force a power must have to stagger an enemy. X and Y values should be equal.
PowerThreshold_Knockback X=float, Y=float Sets the amount of force a power must have to knock an enemy back for a few seconds. X and Y values should be equal.
HitReactionChanceMultiplier X=float, Y=float Unknown

Dragoon (Phoenix)

The Dragoon was added in MP4.

Atlas (Atlas)

The current multiplayer Atlas was added in MP4. It added the DoT rocket.

Geth Trooper (GethTrooper)

Variable name Format Effect
MeleeAttackInterval X=float, Y=float Sets a time on when an enemy can melee. This prevents it from endlessly meleeing when at close range. X and Y values should be equal floats.
CancelFirePct X=float, Y=float Unknown
MaxFireWaitTime X=float, Y=float Defines the maximum time range that an enemy can wait to fire at you. X and Y values can be different.
EvadeDamagePctLow X=float, Y=float Sets the minimum chance in percent that an enemy will dodge damage when it is able to do so. X and Y values can be different.
EvadeDamagePctHigh X=float, Y=float Sets the maximum chance in percent that an enemy will dodge damage when it is able to do so. X and Y values can be different.
EvadeFrequency X=float, Y=float Defines how often an enemy can evade in seconds, including damage and powers. X and Y values can be different.
EvadeResetDuration X=float, Y=float Unknown
PartialLeanPct X=float, Y=float Unknown
PowerEvadeChance X=float, Y=float Sets the chance that the enemy will evade a cast power if they are able to do so. X and Y values can be different.
FlankReactionTime X=float, Y=float Unknown
MaxHealth X=float, Y=float Defines the health for this unit. I beleive X is the minimum health of enemies spawned on wave 1, and Y is the maximum health of enemies spawned during extraction.
PowerThreshold_Standard X=float, Y=float Unknown
PowerThreshold_Stagger X=float, Y=float Sets the amount of force a power must have to stagger an enemy. X and Y values should be equal.
PowerThreshold_Knockback X=float, Y=float Sets the amount of force a power must have to knock an enemy back for a few seconds. X and Y values should be equal.
HitReactionChanceMultiplier X=float, Y=float Unknown

Geth Rocket Trooper (GethRocketTrooper)

Geth Hunter (GethHunter)

GethPyro (GethPyro)

Geth Bomber (GethBomber)

Geth Prime (Phoenix)

Cannibal (Cannibal)

Marauder (Marauder)

Brute (Brute)

Harvester (Harvester)

While harvesters appear in the MP section of BioDifficulty, they can't load into MP. Trust me, lots of people have tried.

Ravager (Ravager)

Banshee (Banshee)

Collector Trooper (CollectorTrooper)

Collector Captain (CollectorCaptain)

Abomination (Abomination)

Scion (Scion)

Praetorian (Praetorian)

Kai Leng (KaiLeng)

Kai Leng is not spawnable in MP.


BioEngine contains variables the engine uses to run the game. It doesn't have many useful tweaks in it.


BioGame contains variables for the main game, and the majority of what you will edit will be in these files.


BioInput is the input scheme for the game across multiple locales. In Reckoning, they apparently put in an extra set of controls for the Talon mercenary, which is why it is so broken.


BioUI lets you customize the HUD.


You can tweak allied weapons in BioWeapon. Additionally it contains the base weapon object, which when modified will affect all weapons (friend or foe) that do not overwrite the values in it.

Weapon names

The following tables map internal weapon names (base game only) to the public names of weapons, as some of the internal names reference different public names of weapons.

Assault Rifles
Internal name Public name
assaultrifle_argus M-55 Argus
assaultrifle_avenger M-8 Avenger
assaultrifle_cobra Phaeston
assaultrifle_collector Collector Assault Rifle
assaultrifle_falcon M-37 Falcon
assaultrifle_geth Geth Pulse Rifle
assaultrifle_mattock M-96 Mattock
assaultrifle_reckoning Chakram Launcher
assaultrifle_revenant M-76 Revenant
assaultrifle_saber M-99 Saber
assaultrifle_valkyrie N7 Valkyrie
assaultrifle_vindicator M-15 Vindicator
Internal name Public name
pistol_carnifex M-6 Carnifex
pistol_eagle N7 Eagle
pistol_ivory M-77 Paladin
pistol_phalanx M-5 Phalanx
pistol_predator M-3 Predator
pistol_scorpion Scorpion
pistol_talon M-358 Talon
pistol_thor Arc Pistol
Internal name Public name
shotgun_claymore M-300 Claymore
shotgun_crusader N7 Crusader
shotgun_disciple Disciple
shotgun_eviscerator M-22 Eviscerator
shotgun_graal Graal
shotgun_katana M-23 Katana
shotgun_raider AT-12 Raider
shotgun_schmitar M-27 Scimitar
shotgun_geth Geth Shotgun
shotgun_striker M-11 Wraith
Internal name Public name
smg_hornet M-25 Hornet
smg_hurricane N7 Hurricane
smg_locust M-12 Locust
smg_shuriken M-4 Shuriken
smg_tempest M-9 Tempest
Sniper Rifles
Internal name Public name
sniperrifle_blackwidow Black Widow
sniperrifle_incisor M-29 Incisor
sniperrifle_indra M-90 Indra
sniperrifle_javelin Javelin
sniperrifle_mantis M-92 Mantis
sniperrifle_raptor M-13 Raptor
sniperrifle_valiant N7 Valiant
sniperrifle_viper M-97 Viper
sniperrifle_widow M-98 Widow


SFXWeapon is the base weapon object. It contains variables that all weapons will be guaranteed to have (thought not all weapons will use all variables). Note that the ai_ variables only are used when the weapon is used by an AI.

Variable name Format Function Related variables in file
ai_acccone_min X=float, Y=float Defines the minimum cone of accuracy in degrees (accuracy). 0 implies perfect aim at the target. Both X and Y values should be equal. Enemy projectiles will always fire in a cone equal to or larger than this degree. ai_accone_max
ai_acccone_max X=float, Y=float Defines the maximum cone of accuracy in degrees (inaccuracy). 0 implies perfect aim at the target. Both X and Y values should be equal. Enemy projectiles will always fire in a cone equal to or smaller than this degree. ai_accone_min
ai_aimdelay X=float, Y=float This is the time it takes to aim a weapon once it is signaled that it is ready to fire. X defines the minimum time, and Y defines the maximum time, both in seconds. and Y values should be equal. If an enemy is interupted during this time, the timer is reset.
ai_burstfirecount X=int, Y=int Defines the number of projectiles fired during a single burst of fire. X is the minimum, Y is the maximum. ai_burststofire
ammopershot int Defines the number of rounds used per shot. Most enemies have this set to 0. Enemies have unlimited ammo but only use this variable to reload. magsize
bcandropweapon boolean Allows a weapon to be dropped on the ground for pickup when the holding character dies. Likely a carryover from Mass Effect 2. A weapon picked up will replace the Cobra Missile Launcher. It is not used at any point in the game during standard play.
binfiniteammo boolean Declares a weapon to have infinite ammo. Used originally by the Prothean Particle Rifle in From Ashes. Setting this value to true does not have an effect because weapons have to define a recharge rate in their .pcc file.
busesnipercam boolean Declares a weapon to use a sniper scope when zooming. [Needs verification]
magsize X=int, Y=int Defines the number of rounds that can be used in a magazine before it must be reloaded. This value has no effect if ammopershot is set to 0. Not all enemies have reload animations. ammopershot