Backup and restore your game files to quickly change between mods. Granular and full restore options, with support for automatically setting texture LODs.
Like modding gameplay? Don't like spending tons of time figuring out how the engine works? ModMaker was designed for you. Design Mass Effect 3 mods on the web.
Mod Manager updates itself directly from ME3Tweaks. When an update comes out, you're one click away from being up to date.
Generate blank working DLC mods, test mods for broken textures and other common issues, compress mods for deployment (for both Mod Manager and manual installation), just to name a few of the tools for developers.
Restore only the DLCs you want, and delete the Custom DLCs that are installed without having to know the specific name of the DLC folder - Mod Manager looks it all up for you using the Third Party Identification Service.
Mod Manager can download other modding tools on demand directly from their Github, including ME3Explorer (ME3Tweaks Fork), Mass Effect Modder, ALOT Installer, and more. It'll even offer to update them when your local copy is out of date.
Have multiple copies of game files laying around? Mod Manager can update your the game's registry key so you can boot and mod other installations of each game. Simply change the current Installation Target in the dropdown.
Drag and drop TLK and Coalesced files onto the interface to decompile them. Drag their manifest file back onto the interface to recompile them. It couldn't be much simpler than that.
Endorse your favorite mods, directly from within Mod Manager. For mods developed by whitelisted developers, you'll also be able to be notified of updates for mods in your library that come from NexusMods.
ME3Tweaks Mod Manager was previously known as Mass Effect 3 Mod Manager (ME3CMM) up until version 6.0.