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Regarding Windows XP / Vista

Posted: Tue Nov 29, 2016 12:56 pm
by Erik JS
Is there anyone in this day and age who seriously use Windows XP or Vista?

Here's the deal: I'll switch to a new PC soon, and I'll use Windows 10 full time once its last parts arrive (waiting for Win10 itself and an SSD). I also intend to use Visual Studio 2015, which means anything below Windows 7 will get shafted regarding the DLL's and ASI's.

Not all tools in the latest release of PSE package work on Windows XP, this was actually unintended, but I think it's time to drop support for old crap. Only real reason why I kept Visual Studio 2012 and did other things to support XP was because, guess what, Mass Effect 3 works on XP.

I don't owe anyone anything, but somehow I felt like talking about this in the open before the next release of PSE, binkw32 or other things.

Starting on the next release (when it's done!), all projects in PSE solution will switch to .NET 4.5 and DLL's will require VC 2015 runtime redist. XP and Vista are no longer supported by me.

There's also the possibility of me screwing things up when moving the git and svn folders to the new machine, but let's hope this won't be the case... :lol:

Re: Regarding Windows XP / Vista

Posted: Wed Nov 30, 2016 5:50 pm
by Mgamerz
I know some users but I would not expend the effort to support an OS that is no longer serviced and about to go out of service.