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Mass Effect 3 SP Controller Support
Posted: Sat Jan 09, 2016 4:42 am
by Mgamerz
This mod brings the native Xbox interface to Mass Effect 3's Single Player. This does not work with multiplayer and multiplayer is simply not available when this mod is installed.
The multiplayer version is available here.
This mod is installed through Mod Manager and was originally developed by MoonShine with fixes done by Dybuk and FemShep (me). Moonshine has been gone for several months so Dybuk and I have maintained it in the meantime, which is why it lives here now.
Mod Manager Mod Package 1.060 |
Mod Manager
If you get a DLC authorization failed at the main menu,
THIS MOD WILL NOT WORK PROPERLY, TO FIX IT YOU MUST START THE GAME USING 'START GAME' FROM MOD MANAGER. Alternatively install the binkw32 bypass from the tools menu.
This mod was built for a 16:9 screen ratio, and as such only works as expected at that screen ratio.
If you are using a 4:3 resolution, you might try downloading the following file:
Extract this file and replace the one in the mod manager folder (BASEGAME folder), then go to to the mod in mod manager, mod utils, Run AutoTOC on this mod. Install the mod after this and the fix will be applied. I haven't verified waht this actually does yet, (I've only heard it works ) so take it with a grain of salt.
Use the .cmd file in the mod's GUIOPTIONS folder to set your screen resolution. Just double click the SetTextScaling file, and then apply the mod again.
Known issues
- Incompatible with some other DLC mods (and texture mods) because of full file-replacements of quite a few files from DLCs (that contain GUIs). Compatability is being improved in 1.070
- Music from galaxy map screen does not play if Citadel DLC is not installed (fix in next version 1.070)
- Genesis 2 does not work (requires manual fix for now)
Re: Mass Effect 3 SP Controller Support
Posted: Sat Jan 09, 2016 2:05 pm
by Transam617
What about 48:9?
Re: Mass Effect 3 SP Controller Support
Posted: Mon Jan 11, 2016 5:17 pm
by martan
First of all THANK you so much for the work with this guys
I've tried it on Vanilla and work's perfect!
But I was looking for some enhancements because the game really needs better textures and after all I ended installing the A Lot Of Textures (ALOT). There's textures but also mods.
I went on, it took some serious time but everything seems to be ok.
How can I install the SP controller mod over such modified game?
I've read the description on the nexus and under SP controller there is some howto but I don't know one thing.
Right now I don't have the sfar for each dlc's. Everything is unpacked. How can I recreate them? Because following the howto - they should exists prior to other steps - like using the game's TOC and not the mods in Mod Manager.
I tried to go by this how to exactly:
Thx for help.
Re: Mass Effect 3 SP Controller Support
Posted: Mon Jan 11, 2016 9:50 pm
by Mgamerz
To use games toc files use that option in mod manager's options menu. To use texture mods you would install this mod first and then install texutres over it... But due to how this mod is made (custom dlc) textures that the controller files reference will be the original ones, as I don't think texplorer mods other mods when working with textures. You can try to "slipstream" (integrate controller mod files into the game, instead of a "load instead of original file", but I don't know how that works precisely. The files in the dlc_con_xbx that end with .PCC are located in other dlc files, and you would find the corresponding one that matches and replace it with that one. You would not install the dlc folder itself. I'll write a mini tutorial when I get on my pc today.
Re: Mass Effect 3 SP Controller Support
Posted: Tue Jan 12, 2016 2:15 am
by kennywayne
Re: Mass Effect 3 SP Controller Support
Posted: Tue Jan 12, 2016 5:36 am
by Mgamerz
You should be able to just add them side by side, they should have no conflicts.
Re: Mass Effect 3 SP Controller Support
Posted: Wed Jan 13, 2016 7:20 am
by Da7mi
Mgamerz wrote:You should be able to just add them side by side, they should have no conflicts.
I have the same problem. Installing this mode disables the bonus powers pack mod.
I removed this mod just to be sure it was the culprit and sure enough, the bonus powers mod worked again.
I usually work out mod conflicts on my own when modding other games but Mass Effect is just mindboggling.
Your insight would be greatly appreciated.
Re: Mass Effect 3 SP Controller Support
Posted: Wed Jan 13, 2016 7:32 am
by Mgamerz
It will take some time to figure this out... My computer just died tonight so I only have a windows VM on my Mac for now.
Re: Mass Effect 3 SP Controller Support
Posted: Wed Jan 13, 2016 5:58 pm
by Da7mi
I figured out a work around ...
1. Disable this mod by putting X at the beginning of the mod folder name. Like this (XDLC_CON_XBX)
2. If the Bonus Power Pack mod is already installed, just start the game. If not, install it and then start the game.
3. Load a save file, preferably on the normandy. you will get a few messages informing you of the new powers available for you.
4. Go to the medical bay in the normandy and check the Bonus Powers console to see if the new powers are available for purchase.
5. Save your games after verifying the additional powers.
6. Exit game.
7. Go back to the DLC directory and remove the X from the Mod folder's name.
8. Profit.
Load the new save once you are in game and you'll keep all the powers added by the Bonus Power Pack.
@ Mgamerz
Both mods are trying to modify the same file: BioD_Nor_001Global.pcc
I tried taking a look at it using ME3Explorer but it was a bit too confusing for me.
Re: Mass Effect 3 SP Controller Support
Posted: Wed Jan 13, 2016 8:29 pm
by Mgamerz
I see. I assume that file is modified by the powers mod to make it work with more bonus powers. While the controller mod changes the interfaces. I will post this to the wiki when I have some time. Note that the folder name to change is the installed one, not the mod manager one.