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Re: EGM / SP controller compatibility

Posted: Sat Feb 27, 2016 5:05 pm
by Mgamerz
I noticed Mod Manager was reporting this compatibility pack's Mount.dlc file as invalid. For some reason, it is 2x as big as other mount files. It doesn't seem to matter, but my logger indicates:

[L:E]: Mount file appears invalid, size is not normal: (this) 216 vs (normal) 108

I wonder why it is doubled. I noticed the moddesc.ini you sent me was also duplicated in the same file.

Re: EGM / SP controller compatibility

Posted: Sun Feb 28, 2016 1:27 am
by kinkojiro
Very weird. I will change it and do a re-upload.

I have somebody with GUI problems - I have one idea (it might be my end as somebody without controller has a similar issue), otherwise will send them here.

Re: EGM / SP controller compatibility

Posted: Sun Feb 28, 2016 3:33 am
by Mgamerz
The mod files you sent me don't have any coalesced gui stuff, AFAIK.

If you uploaded the same mod pack I gave you I can just do an OTA update through mod manager.

Re: EGM / SP controller compatibility

Posted: Sun Feb 28, 2016 8:43 am
by kinkojiro
Mgamerz wrote:The mod files you sent me don't have any coalesced gui stuff, AFAIK.

If you uploaded the same mod pack I gave you I can just do an OTA update through mod manager.
Yep nothing in those coalesced. I am wondering whether that is an issue. It shouldn't be of course, but copied it over to see.

A previous (non-controller) problem was I had left a single semi-colon off one of the movie library tags and it caused the same error. So immediately thought it might be a potential cause.

I did use exactly what you sent me. The mount.dlc binary was duplicated. No idea how or why but sounds like you saw the same with the moddesc.

I will prepare another version when I manage to solve this guys problem.

Re: EGM / SP controller compatibility

Posted: Mon Feb 29, 2016 6:39 am
by kinkojiro
So it turns out to be user error.

As I am about to be AFK for a while I am putting out a small hotfix for a couple of bugs I know will cause grief + the SP patch mount file. I will update the SP Patch on the nexus but want to do it here as well.

Let me know if you have those ftp details.


Re: EGM / SP controller compatibility

Posted: Mon Feb 29, 2016 3:25 pm
by Mgamerz
I sent you the password and directions to me3explorer. You need the info from both messages to login.

Make a new folder next to your other mod folder I put there and do like expandedgalaxycontroller or something. Put the files there. You can see your main mod there as an example.

Re: EGM / SP controller compatibility

Posted: Wed Mar 02, 2016 7:39 am
by Mgamerz
I was looking at the other mods on nexus and see that just about all of them are not compatible with this mod. I've been trying to think of ways to create a version that is compatible, (guitransplanter is just... not reliable enough) and I may have an idea.

You know how your war assets terminal was broken for a long time? The startup pcc file for your DLC was from MP4 I assume. It contains a bunch of GUI files, mostly MP, but it includes war assets and galaxy map (that may be MP as well... can't recall). Yours overwrote mine.

I was thinking that it may be possible to essentially create a startup file that has all the xbox GUIs in it. I don't know where moonshine got his startup files (they're pretty much empty) but I have tried to add a GUI file to the list of exports, but the game crashes.

Added names for the GUI file, Imported an import from another file (Startup.pcc) for GFxMovieInfo (.swf object), cloned a package object and a data object (for swf). Updated both objects so they looked correct, and then injected the war assets GUI file. Seems to read properly through ME3Explorer.

I think I linked everything up correctly, but it dies as soon as it starts to load the game. I modified the shader cache (exported package as bin, then imported it over it and made it a package class) but nada.

Looked at startup.pcc and see that movie exports have some extra data attached to them. Fontlib, rawdata, and references... not sure how (or if) it is possible to clone this data from one file to another, or maybe i will just have to find as small of a startup file to base off of as possible.

I know you went through and nullified a bunch of stuff to get collector guns working in SP. Would it be possible for me to use this startup file you have, nullify those collector fixes you have, so I can use the GUI_SF exports? I don't know how feasible that is... All I really need is 1 working GUI_SF file in the game, I can then code stuff up to build the rest for me. Not really experienced in all this cloning stuff.. Or could you describe how you nullified it? It seems like you chagned the name value for all of the items so they don't attempt to overwrite the SP versions.

Re: EGM / SP controller compatibility

Posted: Sat Mar 05, 2016 8:03 am
by kinkojiro
This is really interesting. I will have a think about how I would do this but I would warn you - that MP file impacts a lot of VFX in SP. We had to go through and edit out the ones that conflict, whilst leaving the ones that if they aren't in there cause problems. The easiest test is overload. If there is a problem a clear black box is visible on use.

My immediate thoughts would be to try and use the vanilla SP Startup.pcc to clone/copy into. That way you don't have to worry about conflicts and VFX. Plus all the extra junk that is in MP files.

Secondly if you are not already aware the class package has a different header in the export table. It has a GUID. I would suspect keeping this identical to the folder you are importing would also be important. I am not sure whether ME3Creator pulls this in correctly when, most header items it doesn't. You may be better off cloning folders then editing rather than importing. The rest (graphics etc) should import ok. Will you need to import the GUI graphics as well.

One thing from an EGM perspective is the custom icons etc. If you do this I will probably still need to mount an even higher startup file with the customised items.....

If I have further thoughts will post.

Re: EGM / SP controller compatibility

Posted: Sun Mar 06, 2016 2:50 am
by Mgamerz
I have tried to use the basegame startup.pcc file and use it as my DLC's startup file (with the required modifications). It seemed to load, but due to how the game startups up I have no way to control the UI until the DLC is mounted in SP. I will need to do some advanced testing without xbox UI to see if the xbox UI shows up when running under SP.

When I cloned one of the GUI_SF... packages and additionally a GFXMovieFile (for the same package, such as GUI_SF_GalaxyMap and GUI_SF_GalaxyMap.GalaxyMap) and then used the transplanter tool to inject the correct SWF, the game simply crashes on loading SP. Heff's logger shows nothing. I am unsure if it is because of the way startup is done or if its because I cloned stuff or the GUI I replaced it with is unhappy that it can't find its textures.

Re: EGM / SP controller compatibility

Posted: Sun Mar 06, 2016 5:20 am
by kinkojiro
I 100% guarantee you will need to copy the textures into your new file. From my testing when a binary object (eg a material) is loaded into memory it checks the references and crashes if they aren't pointing to a supporting object.

The EGM DLC startup files are loaded with the save. Why don't you rename the copy of the startup and put it in the DLC directory?