To get the mods to work together you will just use mod manager, install EGM, controller, and the compatability pack. There is no special order since they are fully mutually exclusive. Build 51 supports EGM (fixes a bug in your mod that adds the two exec files). Download the mod package, unzip it to Mod Manager's mods directory, and reload mod manager. Create the game database (1st use only... Not necessarily ssary for you mod. But SP does) and then install the mod. On phone so I'm typing weak instructions, will type better when I get on pc.
I sent you a pack for it a few days ago. You can open that up and look at moddesc.ini. It should be already done for you and you won't need to change much except description, version (keep it a floating point!) and other data. Unless you have added more files outside of you dlc folder.
Mod Manager is fully backwards compatible so you won't need to worry about mod manager versions like you do with me3explorer. Build 51 and up will continue to support your installs. If you wanted you can bundle Mod Manager with the mod already in the folder so people open it and run it.
Mod Manager automatically installs a DLC bypass so you don't need to deal with that stuff. Users can easily upgrade to binkw32 via one click in a menu. Issues like these are why I built mod manager, so they don't happen with it.
I can build the mod for you if you want, its pretty easy. Before you deploy it make sure you do mod utils > run autotoc on this mod.
Edit: PC Edition
Mod Manager is a mod management tool for Mass Effect 3. It will keep this mod up to date for you [assuming you want to use this feature kinko] and install other mods quickly and easily. There is a small amount of first time setup for Mod Manager .
Download Mod Manager: [or nexus link]
Download the Expanded Galaxy Map Mod Manager mod: [Mod Manager link]
Extract Mod Manager and then extract the Expanded Galaxy Mod into the mods/ directory of Mod Manager. [I am working on a way to import a archive so they don't have to do this, mod manager will automatically do it... its not done yet, coming in build 52 or 53]. If this is your first time using Mod Manager, go to Backup > Update Game Repair Database and Update the database. Once this is complete, click Expanded Galaxy Mod on the left and click Apply Mod. Press Start Game to launch the game. Mod Manager will automatically check for updates to this mod every few days and will notify you of updates and download them.
Alternatively tell them to do Tools > Install Binkw32.dll bypass.
Might be able to condense that a bit or point to a link of how to do it with Mod Manager. Seems kinda long since you have to do the game repair database, but it allows more control than a standard installer so...
EDIT 2: If you are trying to do directions only for EGM and SP controller mod, have them install SP first, and then extract your EGM into the folder and click to install it and the compat pack. SP controller requires the game database so it will automatically be done by the time EGM is installed.