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Issues and Questions.

Posted: Wed Mar 29, 2017 9:27 pm
by Shepard
I hope that this forum and it's tools are still supported but if they are not I understand. I thank this community for the work they have done to improve this game and have made it so a user can control the experience even more.

This is for Mass Effect 3.

While I have been able to use ModManager and it's mixins without much problems there is two issues and a couple questions I have.

The first issue is in regards to the MP Controller Mod. I have no problem setting up the SP or MP Controller Mods whenever I want to use them. However, the MP Controller Mod does not have a no vibration variant. It is the most up to date version according to ModManager. Disabling vibration in the game options also does not work. I reset everything to the base game and reinstalled it again like the MP Controller Mod thread on this forum suggested but the issue remains. I prefer not to play with vibration so if someone knows what I am doing wrong here I would appreciate it.

The second issue is in regards to the mixin "Store Shows Everything - OLD." I get a pop up message telling me to report it to FemShep if I still have issues. Here is a screenshot of the message:

Here is the failure in the log for Store Shows Everything - OLD:
Process finished with code 8, took 92 ms.
Process output: Error reading original file.

I notice it says error reading original file so I restore all the backups and start from scratch. This time I try to do Store Shows Everything - OLD before anything else and I still get the same message. This is why I am reporting it. Keep in mind that the "Store Shows Everything" (not the OLD) works just fine no matter when I apply it. I would prefer to use the OLD version as the description between the two states the difference is the OLD version will consume the store packs instead of keeping them there. I tried just only redeeming what I wanted but it is really tedious having to scroll that whole list every time I go to buy a Spectre or Equipment pack. I would also like to use the OLD store as a nice boost for the start for my friends instead of just letting them redeem the packs as many times as they want and get everything. I have not tried this mixin with friends yet because I am a bit worried they are just going to keep redeeming until they have everything and then not want to play.

I have a couple questions about the unreleased and test maps. I have not played in a long time and do not remember all the maps. I was wondering if these unreleased and test maps are only the ones without textures? If there are some textured unreleased maps that work properly I was wondering if there was a way to separate those from the maps with the missing textures? The reason why I want to do this is because I would like to play on random with the unreleased textured maps (if there are any) without ending up on the maps that don't have textures. One of the maps missing textures stacks images so it is really hard to play on and looks odd. I would just prefer not to play on them so if the only unreleased and test maps are these ones missing textures then that would be good information to know so I can uninstall that mixin.

Thanks again for all the work put into making the Mass Effect experience truly a new one for someone like me who played it mostly on Xbox 360.

Re: Issues and Questions.

Posted: Fri Mar 31, 2017 6:59 pm
by Mgamerz
There are two "semi released" maps (old white and old glacier). They work just fine. The other 7 maps are not textured, or don't work with enemies (Athena). Two of them I would say are playable really, maelstrom (spire level) and Neptune (subway). You can enable these with me3tweaks modmaker, or just use the pug safe version of full experience mod.

The error about store shows everything - old may be due to an issue when I made the mixin. The tool I use to make mixins outputs text to the windows console which I would pipe into a file (>), but apparently a very specific output character would be omitted due to windows console limitations. I fixed this later by having the tool output the file rather than windows, but some mixins may still have this issue. The message is due to the file not being the right size (it's reading too far, cause the patch is missing that character). I'll see what I can do to remedy it. It only affected a few mixins.

The MP controller support option should disable vibration in game, but I've noticed sometimes it takes a restart to take effect depending on where you change it (menus vs in game seem differently coded). I'll get it tonight to make sure. The SP version of the mod also do not have a vibration disabling variant anymore.

Re: Issues and Questions.

Posted: Sat Apr 01, 2017 12:00 am
by Shepard
Thanks a lot for the reply!

From your recommendation the maps to use would be Old White, Old Glacier, Maelstrom, and Neptune. I will try out modmaker to see if I can add these maps in myself. If I can't figure it out then I will use the PUG Safe Version of FEM. Thanks for the information.

If it helps, I tried to turn off controller vibration from both the main menu and in game. I have restarted the game with the vibration option both turned off and on. Thanks for pointing out that the SP Controller Mod also does not have a variant, seems my SP version was not up to date, but using the no vibration variant still turned off vibration in single player.

I really appreciate you looking into the controller vibration and the OLD mixin. ME:A just came out and I bet you are having a blast playing that so I really do appreciate you setting aside the time to help me out. Thanks again!

EDIT: Sorry, one more issue. I have added to my adblock whitelist but I still get the message that I am blocking your ads. If you know why that is and can help me fix that I would gladly allow the ads so you can make your money. Unfortunately I do not want to remove my adblock altogether as I use multiple websites at the same time.

Re: Issues and Questions.

Posted: Sat Apr 01, 2017 6:15 am
by Mgamerz
It's a timing issue with the message display banner. I get it sometimes, it just depends if the page has any ads to load.

Re: Issues and Questions.

Posted: Thu Apr 13, 2017 5:31 am
by macarthskey
Hi there,

This is my first time playing ME3 and I'm desperately trying to change something. I want to prevent shields and armour from blocking powers.

In coalesced.bin there is a boolean called bshieldsblockpowers = true. In ME2 setting this to false was all you had to do to get what I needed. However in ME3 this didn't have any effect. Searching around online lead me to sfxgame.pcc which has an entry for bshieldsblockpowers, but I have no idea how to set it to false. I could really use some guidance if anyone knows of a solution.


Re: Issues and Questions.

Posted: Thu Apr 13, 2017 10:02 pm
by Mgamerz
You would edit it with ME3Explorer. However, that may be overridden but files in the Patch001.sfar file (testpatch).

In my guides part of ME3Tweaks there is a tutorial on editing things with PCC editor 2 (now called package editor). While the UI has changed a bit the steps are pretty much the same.

What is the name of the export with this property? (Also might want to be careful, as a ragdolled atlas will crash the game)

Re: Issues and Questions.

Posted: Fri Apr 14, 2017 3:40 am
by macarthskey

I was actually following your guide. However There is no script tab when selecting this export. I tried comparing the hex values between variables which are true and false in attempt to figure out how to set bShieldsBlockPowers to False, but was unsuccessful.

Edit: I might as well add that I am also trying to disable all power combos (I will keep warp if I can). If you happen to know how id like to know.

Re: Issues and Questions.

Posted: Fri Apr 14, 2017 10:52 pm
by Mgamerz
The guide is for scripts but if you look at the properties tab you can directly edit stuff there. There's also one in interpreter tab but it's a bit more advanced.

I am fairly certain sfxgameconfig is in testpatch, so you will need to make a copy of Patch001.sfar and unpack it to get the files. You cannot unpack the one in the game directory or the game won't work. I use mod manager pretty extensively with it as injection is pretty cumbersome (many steps).

You'd be looking for a file Patch_SFXGameConfig or something similar after unpacking that file.

Re: Issues and Questions.

Posted: Sat Apr 15, 2017 3:59 am
by macarthskey
It is not. The Patch has a file called Patch_SFXgame.pcc but it does not contain any config booleans and bshieldsblockpowers is not in it. I am not sure what you mean however, there is nothing to change in the properties tab of bshieldsblockpowers. I have however found that there is another entry 26846 Default_SFXGameConfig(SFXGameConfig) which has a bunch of entries on its properties tab, bshieldsblockpowers is one of them. However setting it to false also doesnt have an effect in the game.

Im starting to wonder if bshieldsblockpowers is used at all. Ill have to look into and compare some powers, it might be on a per power basis, like stasis works even when enemies have shields.

On a related question, in your guide you have a step where you point out that the script is calling info from an external file, but it gives no clear indication that this is occurring, can you explain this?

Re: Issues and Questions.

Posted: Sat Apr 15, 2017 6:12 am
by macarthskey
After 25 hours of this I have decided simply not to play the game.

I want to thank you for your help.