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a couple modding questions

Posted: Thu Mar 16, 2017 8:51 pm
by Hyperspeed1000
hey...some things are still unclear to me..hopefully you can help since you probably figured it all out long time ago.

1. in MP4s Biogame there is a small part called <Property name="enemytypes"> with its help its possile to tell the game to load Geth Wavelists even if you picked Cerberus. My idea was that you could put cerberus enemies to the geth wavelist and then tell the game to load those geth wavelist for cerbers to avoid the "invisible enemies thing"

Have you tried it already can you comfirm that it works/doesnt work? Unfortunatlly i have right now no one to test it...

2. in the same part you can define what name will be displayed once you choose the faction. For example I know that ID=2,Name=683915, means Geth...but what defines the number 683915 to correspond with the word "Geth"? How do i changes the faction name from "geth" to something else

3. we all know that changing the amount of ammo a gun has will desynch clients. But you can also mod the value for the Assault Rifle Magazine Upgrade to give it more ammo...will this desynch ppl too?

4. I am looking for a way to limit medigel use from 6 to lets say 2 for a mod...but i just cant find the code for it...I thought maybe you already know the location

so that it for...part II will be coming soon :D

anyway thx for you are awesome :lol:

Re: a couple modding questions

Posted: Thu Mar 16, 2017 11:44 pm
by Mgamerz
1. The enemytypes is indeed the wavelists definition. I did not think about switching those around to avoid the invisible enemies issue, however at this point the code is pretty well set in ModMaker that changing that would take considerable amounts of effort.
2. Those numbers are IDs in the TLK files. Drag a file like BIOGame_INT.tlk from the CookedPCConsole Directory onto Mod Manager, decompile it, and then open it up in a text viewer. You'll be able to find that string ID. On ModMaker there is no way to edit this - technically you can, as ModMaker already does this for the loading tips, but I chose not to let users types stuff in as I can only imagine what would happen. Could be an interesting expansion option. Collectors would be an issue though.
3. I think it still desyncs as the client will reload but the host won't, so they'll get inconsistent ammo numbers.
4. That's in server side coalesced, but its controlled locally, so you can't force that through ModMaker.

Re: a couple modding questions

Posted: Sun Mar 19, 2017 12:15 pm
by Hyperspeed1000
so this is the last part of my questions....

1. I noticed that in the Dynamic MixIns/Weapons Page is not every weapons listed. Are those the only Weapons where you can change the DMG modifiers or is this section just unfinished...?

Also could die briefly explain how do you change them. I mean i dont know what to exactly look for if i open .pcc file.

2. I am looking for a away to make specific enemies to go always berserker mode but not the entire wave. Is this possible? If yes, can you explain this to me briefly too?

thx for your answers

Re: a couple modding questions

Posted: Mon Mar 20, 2017 2:30 pm
by Mgamerz
1. Not every weapon is listed because shortly after I started unlocking damage multipliers the balance changes unlocker came out and tooom my attention elsewhere. This works by adding new Coalesced entries for each sfxdamagetype after making the resistance data readable by Coalesced. I also rename some damage types as some guns inherit it - e.g. once made the raptor do 4x shield damage. The nemesis became incredibly OP against the juggernaut. It was quite a bit of work.

2. It's essentially all or nothing. Most enemies inherit the berserk behavior.

Re: a couple modding questions

Posted: Sun Aug 06, 2017 7:36 pm
by Hyperspeed1000 it possible to make sabotage only work on specific Geth and Reapers only and nothing else? thx

Re: a couple modding questions

Posted: Mon Aug 07, 2017 2:50 pm
by Mgamerz
You'd need to edit each character's race type to be other than machine that you didn't want to be hacked. The hack all the things mixin just changed the check from =2 (machine) to != 10 (10 never being used, so always)

Re: a couple modding questions

Posted: Tue Aug 08, 2017 11:40 am
by Hyperspeed1000
any tips for what exactly i need to look?
dont wanna spend hours looking through files xD

Re: a couple modding questions

Posted: Wed Aug 09, 2017 2:03 am
by Mgamerz
You should create a pcc data dump or use the one I provide on my tools page. (Script dump).

Use Grepwin ( to scan over that folder (make sure you select it to search for files of any size) and then search for something like RaceType or "Machine".

The thing you will be looking for will be in files called SFXPawn_XXX.pcc and the class is also named SFXPawn_XXX. They are located in TESTPATCH, BASEGAME, MP3, MP4, and MP5. You can use ME3Explorer to just change the enum value in the interpreter tab once you've got the right export selected. You should use the built in ME3Explorer search box (the right most one) when in Package Editor to search for "SFXPawn_", you will find it.

Re: a couple modding questions

Posted: Thu Aug 10, 2017 7:34 pm
by Hyperspeed1000
it seems that only Geth have the Property "Racetype"...

Anyway i added the Property "Racetype" to all Reaper Units and set it to "maschine" works!
Except for the Brutes for some strange reason....i modded SFXPawn_Brute.pcc (Basegame) and Patch_SFXPawn_Brute.pcc (Testpatch) but it doesnt hell.

So its either me who screwed up somewhere or its the game and it rly doesnt work on brutes...

Re: a couple modding questions

Posted: Thu Aug 10, 2017 8:15 pm
by Hyperspeed1000
OK...problem solved. I added your EverythingCanBeMeleed-Mixin and it fixed my problem...
Anyway thx for your help and time