This mod brings the native Xbox interface to Mass Effect 3's Single Player. This does not work with multiplayer and multiplayer is simply not available when this mod is installed. The multiplayer version is available here.
This mod is installed through Mod Manager and was originally developed by MoonShine with fixes done by Dybuk and FemShep (me). Moonshine has been gone for several months so Dybuk and I have maintained it in the meantime, which is why it lives here now.
Mod Manager Mod Package 1.060 | Mod Manager
If you get a DLC authorization failed at the main menu, THIS MOD WILL NOT WORK PROPERLY, TO FIX IT YOU MUST START THE GAME USING 'START GAME' FROM MOD MANAGER. Alternatively install the binkw32 bypass from the tools menu.

This mod was built for a 16:9 screen ratio, and as such only works as expected at that screen ratio.
If you are using a 4:3 resolution, you might try downloading the following file:
Extract this file and replace the one in the mod manager folder (BASEGAME folder), then go to to the mod in mod manager, mod utils, Run AutoTOC on this mod. Install the mod after this and the fix will be applied. I haven't verified waht this actually does yet, (I've only heard it works ) so take it with a grain of salt.
Use the .cmd file in the mod's GUIOPTIONS folder to set your screen resolution. Just double click the SetTextScaling file, and then apply the mod again.
Known issues
- Incompatible with some other DLC mods (and texture mods) because of full file-replacements of quite a few files from DLCs (that contain GUIs). Compatability is being improved in 1.070
- Music from galaxy map screen does not play if Citadel DLC is not installed (fix in next version 1.070)
- Genesis 2 does not work (requires manual fix for now)